Dec 19, 2009 19:05
I'm sooooo bored. It's a problem. One day into Christmas break and I am bored out of my mind. After spending basically the last four months at school and only coming home to sleep I have absolutely no idea how to pass the time at home.
I got to see Jaiden today yay! Jaiden could quite possibly be one of my favorite people in the world. True story.
I miss school. I'm not sure if that's actually true. I think I probably just miss the people and not being bored. There was always so much stuff to do that there was never actually an opportunity to be bored. I miss that.
I'm in a bad mood. I've spent the entire day hating most of my family not really for any reason other than they are annoying which I feel is completely reasonable...although it was pointed out to me a couple weeks ago that women may not generally be known for being reasonable...oh well
Still bored....