SPOILER POLICY: if you comment, please keep in mind I'm only halfway through the 3rd book (Storm of Swords)!! Please no spoilers past that point! °A°
Finally the first episode of Game of Thrones has aired!! *happy happy* I was really looking forward to it and I wasn't disappointed; it was pretty awesome! It's definitely got the chance of being EPIC ♥
Just look at the opening! Isn't it clever? It's like a giant Risiko board of Westeros, so cool!! And I heard it's going to change as the show goes on to follow the story focus (ok I'm happy because I keep on mixing up the geography so a visual aid is very welcome XD)
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I think it's been established how far the producers are going to push some tv-audience boundaries... quite a lot I'd say. They didn't shy away from the blood and the sex, which was a thing I feared. But I'm also ok with the aging of the characters because otherwise some parts would have squicked me ^^;
Anyways, I really enjoyed the Stark boys episode. Eeeee the puppy direwolves were so cute ^3^ and I have a soft spot for Jon Snow, so I liked seeing him around so much :D And Arya! I wish I had a little sister like her ♥
The pacing was quick (understandably), but I think it's clear enough to be watched by those who haven't read the books too. Definitely recommended if you like a good, long, and intricate fantasy story (without magic), spiced up with politics, war, intrigues, smexing, and a good dose of gore. Oh, and tragedy. Much, much tragedy.