my preciousss(es) =7=

Mar 20, 2011 14:53

Hello flist! Guess what? Last month my laptop finally crashed and I ended up buying a new one ç3ç I hope Tosh will live a longer life than its predecessor, which lasted me less than 3 years... though I admit I wasn't very nice to it. I'll try to be more gentle from now on, my dear~

Anyway, I'm glad I was able to do an almost complete backup before the permanent shut-down since I'd been keeping all my university records and drawings in it-- plus my "diary" (or whatever that monster is) that dates back to 2004. I should really print at least a copy of those pages or risk losing 7 years of my life next time o_O The only thing I didn't manage to salvage, mostly because it was a work-in-progress, was a Pandora Hearts fanart that was due more than 2 months ago, ugh. I fail so bad at sticking to deadlines! It was almost finished, but now I have to completely recolour it, and I still miss a *ahem* copy of Photoshop. Buuuuh!

On a brighter note, look at what the courier brought me last week!! KYAAAAAAHHHHH!! ♥__♥ is awesome. Finally I can shop from Europe without paying ridiculous amounts for shipping~

Also, HIMITSU-TOP SECRET is a fabulous manga that should totally be more known around the web. Instead it's got such a tiiiny fanbase! Reiko Shimizu-sensei seems to be very underrated, idk why. Kaguya Hime too had a spectacular plot, but nobody seems to care!! *cries*

I mean, it's full of mystery and angst and horror and did I mention angst?! A psychological thriller dealing with the minds of criminals and "normal" people alike, that makes you wonder what could really be going on in your friendly neighbour's head when you greet them in the morning! It's a dive in our deepest, darkest secrets that can't be brought in our graves anymore! It's like CSI and Fringe colliding! (only it started way before Fringe, 'cause Shimizu-sensei's cool like that). There's so much slashy subtext that you almost can't see the text anymore!! WHAT CAN YOU ASK FOR MORE, I SAY. Maybe a monthly release instead of bimonthly, but hey, you can't have everything.
GO READ IT DAMMIT (scanlations@Dragonvoice) I COMMAND YOU!!!

tosh, himitsu, kyou kara maou, animanga, recs

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