New Year's Survey & Xmas Update

Dec 28, 2007 16:17

1-Did you kiss anyone?

2-Did you reject anyone?
not that I know of

3-Are you going to kiss someone when the ball drops?
yes, for the first time =)

4-Did you lose any friends?

5-Did you gain any friends?
yeah lots!

6-Did you do something new?

8-Did you change?
probably... change is inevitable

9-Are you happy with the year over all?
yes I really am

10-Whats the funnest thing that you did?
Kenny Chesney concerts haha

11-Did you fall in or out of love?
I fell in love =)

12-Are you happy the years almost over?
I guess, I'm excited about next year at least

14-Do you think 2008 will be a better year then 2007?
yeah! graduation, buying a house, getting a job =)

20-Did you go on a summer vacation?
a few days up north, yeah

21-Did you lie to your parents?
not that I can think of

22-Did you get into a fight?

23-Did you leave the country?

24-Did u have a good birthday?
yup, my 21st was fantastic, thanks to Todd & Crystal

25-Did anyone in your family get married?
yeah, my brother!

26-Do you think you grew?

27-Did you dye your hair?

28-Who do you think you were on the phone with the most?

29-Did anyone sing to you?
Crystal lol

30-Did you sing to anyone?
I sing all the time

31-Did anyone tell you they loved you?
Todd and my family

32-Did you ever go to the hospital?
only to work there

33-What did you drink and eat the most?
drink -- alcohol lol, eat -- I dunno, maybe sushi

34-Did you change your top friends at least 8 times?

35-Did you change your profile over 10 times?
nope, maybe once or twice

36-Did you change your default picture at least 20 times?

38-Did you vote?
no, I'm lazy and only vote for president

39-Are you going to make a new years resolution?
just to graduate haha

40. Did you stick to your new years resolution from last year?
yeah, it was to pass all my classes!

41. Think you'll date someone in 2008?
gee I dunno... lol of course!

42. Where will you be when the ball drops?
either at JR&Beth's house or my parents house if they kick us out before midnight haha

43. Do you think you will make new friends in 2008?
of course

44. Are you hoping to meet someone special in 2008?
not to meet, but maybe get engaged =)

45. How do you feel, another year has passed you by?
I'm glad I made it through this year and grateful for all the great people I've met... anxious to get through the next year, it's going to be crazy!

So I hope everyone's Christmas was lovely! I was up in Ohio visiting some family... the entire family -- literally every person I'm directly related to. We went gambling and I won $250 on the quarter slot machines =) And I pretty much didn't drink a single non-alcoholic beverage the entire time I was there! Here are some of the things I got for xmas:

- money
- 4 tank tops
- stationary with dachsunds on it
- pajamas
- jewelry
- gift cards to PeiWei and Sephora (which I already had to use to buy new eyeliner cuz mine was all contaminated with the pink eye)
- sushi dishes
- 2 lovely knives (I know, who would trust me with knives?)
- Season 3 of House and Season 1 of Sex & the City
- 8 Crate&Barrel wine glasses
- 2 purses

That's about all I can think of. But I can pretty much buy anything I want now cuz I came home with about $700, heck yeah! It was a lovely Christmas overall. Good times with the family. And 7 dogs, did I mention there were 7 dogs? 6 on my dad's side and 3 on my mom's side (including Logan and Woodstock in both)... Crazy with dogs. But yeah, it was lovely.

I miss Todd... but he's coming tomorrow!!!! And he gets to stay for 3-4 days =) He got me a gorgeous diamond necklace for xmas =)

That's about it... Happy New Year everybody!
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