Welcome back to the Apland Legacy! I'm definitely getting better at updating more often. But then not having school can do that for you. I'll be starting work in the next week or so, so we'll see how I do then.
Last time... there was lots of woohoo, which resulted in Rusty getting pregnant. But before that happened (well before she popped) she and Alden tied the knot. And Alden and Noel had a serious discussion about him taking over as heir.
Now for the second chapter of Generation two, Chapter 15!
We start this chapter off with a certain Caprice Apland showing up at the door. She's just graduated from Smugsworth prep school, gaining the Charismatic trait. She was of course quickly ushered out to make room for more generation three babies.
Speaking of babies, Rusty's belly is still steadily growing.
In fact, later that day she went into labor.
Rusty: "Awww if there is a sim god up there, please make this stop!"
Noel: "Oh my god! I don't know what to do! I've never been on this side of things before."
Cruz: "You would think I'd be a pro at this by now, but every time, it all just goes out the window when the woman starts screaming.
Rusty found the in-laws' reaction to be quite amusing.
I interrupt all this drama to announce that Dancer has finished eating the rest of my plants! I'd bet if he could get his mouth around it, he would eat that tree too!
Morgan: "Bad Dancer! No carrots for you for a whole weak, you filthy animal."
I am proud to introduce to you the first born of generation three, Denver Apland! She is a Genius, and to her parents' dismay Good.
Capri's old room was made over into a nursery.
Isn't it just adorable!
Alden: "Come to Daddy, Denver."
Alden: "Your Mommy and I will have you straightened out in no time. No child of ours will be good."
Rusty is the first sim in ages to take any interest in the cats. I am sad to inform you that Mistletoe is the only one left at this point. I had to give Gingerbread and Nativity up for adoption to make room for babies (the whole 10 beings limit thing seems a bit ridiculous to me).
Alden: "Baby, how is it that you get sexier everyday?"
Rusty: "I try. You know, we haven't done the nasty since Denver's been born, and I have just the idea for the location."
Rusty: "Hurry up! I don't want to be caught."
I momentarily forgot my alphabet and was under the impression that the next child would be an 'h' and wanted it to be a girl so that I could name her "Hayley". Lol Oh well…
Rusty: "Well that was certainly fun."
Alden: "Did anyone see us?"
Later that day…
Rusty: *sneaksneaksneak*
What is she up to?
I don't think scaring the horse is the best idea. I did have an aunt who died from a horse landing on her…
Rusty: "Raarrr!"
Cruz: "Oh god."
Some of you may remember seeing this picture before… it was the cover image on the last chapter… I had thought I would have gotten farther on it than I did and was too lazy to go back and change it.
Dancer got a kick out of it; he thought it was quite funny.
The next morning was Denver's birthday. I would by lying if I said I didn't hate the baby stage.
There's the grandmother, and the godmother, but where's the mother? Rusty your missing your firstborn's birthday!
Alden: "Oh the amount of candy I'll be able to steal…. It's endless!"
Well, aren't you just… cute.
I originally had Denver made over like this (right), but then I was going back through looking at pictures and realized that she looks like the exact duplicate clone of Bernadette. So then I changed up her appearance a little bit.
But here's the Denver that we'll come to know and grow to love. She's still a Bernadette clone, but at least she doesn't have the same hairstyle going on.
Aw Denver's with her Granddaddy, who she inherited her looks from.
Cruz: "It's time for bed, my little angel."
Cruz: "You'll have to keep your Daddy inline and honest, my little sweetie. Get him wrapped around your little finger, and don't let him change you."
Alden: "Who's daddy's little girl?"
It doesn't look like it will take long for little Denver to have him wrapped around her finger.
Of course, it looks like she'll have some competition soon.
Alden, with his balding head (I need to find out how to fix that), got himself arrested at work. And here I thought his lucky trait would help him with that.
Rusty wasted no time in trying to corrupt correct little Denver.
Rusty: "So what do you do if your nemesis comes over?"
Denver: "Make dem a cake an' swort da pwoblems outa."
Rusty: "Not unless you poison it first. You're hopeless."
It's Noel's birthday. Her last and final birthday, how sad. :'(
Noel: "There's nothing I can't face! I'm a triple agent, for goodness sake!"
Noel: "Oh, I shouldn't have done that… my back.."
And here's our fabulous founder now, all old and wrinkly. I put the ugly cat christmas sweater on her since she had that christmacy theme going on for a while. (And because all the Elder clothes are so ugly anyway) She's level 9 in her career track, and just that close to fulfilling her LTW.
The next morning, Rusty paused during her and Alden's make out session.
Rusty: "You know, it's been a little while… since our last 'excursion'."
Alden: "What did you have in mind?"
Alden: "The tree house? Seriously?! Do you know how many childhood dreams I have of that old thing?!"
Rusty: "Well, if you're not up for it… I guess we can ditch the whole list and just go do it in the bedroom…"
I guess Alden pushed the childhood memories to the side to make room for new ones.
Let's see how they're coming along. Not too shabby, but they still have a ways to go. Especially since they've gotten all the easy ones out of the way. (for the most part)
Rusty: "You won't convince very many people of your impending evilness while crawling around."
Having some trouble there, Envy?
Denver: "Of couse, da poopy is scared. No botty wans to go into a dawk hole."
I saved all the baby bump pictures for one slide to tone down the overkill.
And then I saved for right before Rusty went into labor.
Rusty: "Oh gawds!"
Alden: "What if this one comes out another good one?! I don't think I can handle it!"
Luckily for Alden, he won't have to deal with it, at least not yet.
Meet Ellasyn Apland, she is a Grumpy Genius (but not a Good one this time).
Alden: "Time for your baba, little Ellasyn."
Alden: "Thank you, who ever's up there, for not giving me another good one."
Before I knew it (*cough cough*) it was Ellasyn's birthday.
Here's the absolutely adorable, Ella! She has a good mix of features. She has her Momma's eye shape, her Granddaddy's eye color, her Daddy/Granddaddy's lips, and her Grandma's hair color and mole. I just love her to death!
And that's where I leave you for now. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Please feel free to comment; they are always appreciated very much. Also, this is getting a little ahead of myself, but does anyone know how to get a celebrity trailer without having to join the movie star track? … even if it involves cheating *cough cough*
Until next time, Happy Simming :D