The Tenth Apland: Keepers of the Cinder-Rose Chapter Eight

Jan 28, 2012 15:14

Welcome back to The Tenth Apland: Keepers of the Cinder-Rose! I am so excited to be having more than one update in a weekend (Yay breaks!). I sure hope that you are enjoying the legacy as the history of the Cinder-Rose is unfolding.

Well last time…

Alden had a birthday and was in general an evil little child plotting to steal all the candy out of Appaloosa Plains and send it up into space on a rocket. Caprice grew into a toddler. Noel and Cruz went on a trip to France. Noel started work again. Mistletoe was Mistletoe. And we ended the chapter with Bernadette's birthday.

You can review or catch up here.

Now for Chapter 8!

We start this chapter off with my musing of how this possibly could have happened. Did Mistletoe get a little overzealous in his scratching? Or did someone need to blow of some steam and used the kitty scratcher? Weird.

Noel: "What would you think of going to a movie?"

Bernadette: "A movie? Like at the theater?"

Noel: "Yeah! You know like with great movie stars!"

Bernadette: "Why?"

Noel: "We need to be doing more things as a family now that you kids are getting older."

Bernadette: "Well in that case I think we should have more family parties. They're great because we could wear fuzzy polka-dot hats."

Noel: "Uhm… sure."

Morgan: "Ya know, you kids really should be doing more work around here. Washing the dishes, scrubbing the toilets, and cleaning out Mistletoe's litter box."

Alden: "Ha, you're dreaming, lady. And by the way, all that cake is starting to show."

Morgan: "Gasp! You lie!"

Alden: "The scale doesn't lie."

Noel: "You know, I've been thinking… we need to start doing more as a family."

Cruz: "What on earth are you talking about?"

Noel: "I'm saying that we need to starting doing things together. We need to like drive down to the theater together and watch a movie!"

Cruz: "The movies! Oh I want to see The Hunger Games, so badly! We should go see it."

Just look at the pretty moon. I know there are a lot of people out there that love the Sims 2… but I'm not gonna lie; I love TS3 soo much more! Just look at that and tell me you don't feel the same!

So the Apland family called a taxi and all went down to the theater to watch a movie together. Unfortunately for Cruz, The Hunger Games wasn't out in theaters yet.

Bernadette: "I am King Berney IV and I demand to be respected!"

Alden: "But, Bernadette, you can't be a king. You're a girl!"

Bernadette: "I said! I demand to be shown some respect!"

Alden: "My apologies, your majesty."

Bernadette: "My glory is immanent!"

Alden: "What is she talking about?"

Morgan: "Hey kidos, what are you up to? I got a surprise here for ya!"

Bernadette: "Who dares to give a surprise without my permission first! Off with their head!"

Morgan: "Alright, well if you don't want the surprise, I can take this kitten back to the shelter where it will be beheaded."

Meet the newest addition to the Apland household, Gingerbread!

Bernadette: "Hahahaha! You thought I said beheaded! I said be-feded! Servant boy, feed our new guest!"

Alden: "Are you talking to me? Cuz I'm no one's servant boy!"

Bernadette: "Don't make me tell Mom what you're plotting… Now I said feed our guest!"

Morgan: "So, have you met any pretty little ladies at school yet? Ya know, ones that you'd want to give flowers?"

Alden: "No. You should stop. You're embarrassing me."

Morgan: "Awww, is Alden getting embarrassed? You don't need to be embarrassed; you could tell me about her."

Alden: "No. Stop. Go away! Trying to do homework here."

Caprice: "I has a gween bwock!"

Caprice: "Wow, how'd turn bwou? It magic!"

Aww, Mistletoe that's just gross! Don't drink from the toilet.

I did a little bit of some landscaping out back… a nice little patio with a grill.

I also built a rather neat little garden area, if I do say so myself.

Morgan is going to take up the art of gardening.

Morgan: "Grow big and strong, my precious little seed."

Cruz: "Get the light, Mistletoe!"

Gingerbread: "What about me?"

Mistletoe: "You're too little, now run along."

Bernadette has started up on learning the painting skill… since she is artistic.

Alden: "Is anyone looking?"

Just your little sister…

Alden: "Good, no one that could tattle-tell."

Alden: "This is gonna get someone so good!"

You might want to try putting that under the cushion… just sayin.

Alden: "Eww it says their tongues are touching!"

Well why are you reading a book about French kissing, then?

Not bad for her first painting!

Bernadette: "OMG! We have a dress up trunk! I can totally dress up as a princess and be a damsel in distress and have my prince charming come and rescue me!"

Bernadette: "If you're gonna be a princess, you've got to walk all proper like."

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Bernadette: "The large, fire-breathing dragon; it guards my castle so that I may not escape and that no man should enter the castle and save me. Who is brave enough to risk their life to save me, the Princess Shoshanna!"

*crickets chirping*

Bernadette: "Well if no prince will save me, I will have to save myself!"

Yeah, go Berney! What princess in the 21st century still needs a prince to save her from distress!

Bernadette: "Dragon, prepare to meet your doom as a smite you!"

Bernadette: "Shhh… I hear footsteps approaching us… who dares to enter my castle when I am trying to slay a dragon?!"

Alden: "What are you playing, Berney? I wanna slay a dragon!"

Bernadette: "You're too late, Princess Shoshanna is already has it taken care of."

Alden: "Don't be silly, girls can't slay dragons! Only men can!"

Bernadette: "Sure… that coming from a little boy! Princesses are just as capable of slaying dragons as princes. Girls can do everything that boys can and more… like calling the stork!"

Alden: "Ha! You still believe that old wives' tale? Foolish! I know where babies really come from."

Bernadette: "No you don't! And take that costume off. I told you, you can't save me from the dragon!"

Alden: "I'll tell you where babies really come from if you let me play…"

Even though she never wanted to admit it, Bernadette knew that her big brother knew more than her. And deep down, she never really believed that babies came from the stork. It just didn't make sense! If her baby sister, Caprice had come from a bird, why did her mother's stomach get all big and swollen?

Bernadette: "Fine. But I get to help you slay the dragon. But tell me where babies come from first. Then we'll slay this oversized lizard."

Alden: "Well why a mommy and a daddy love each other very much… or if they start growing horns… or something like that… then there's something with bananas, fish, and eggs… then BAM! A baby is made and it grow is in the mom's tummy."

Bernadette: "You're making that up! That doesn't make any more sense than the stork!"

Alden: "You wanted to know… so I told you…"

Bernadette: "Well come on now, let's go slay us a dragon for dinner!"

Alden: "Ehhh… I changed my mind. I don't want to slay some dumb imaginary dragon. This game Is for sissies. I'll just leave you to get eaten by the dragon."

Bernadette: "But…"

Alden: "I'm taking this dumb costume off."

Bernadette: *is dissapointed* "But I wanted to play with big brother…" she says quietly under her breath.

Bernadette gave up on slaying the dragon and decided to do her homework (even though she hasn't even gone to school yet??).

Bernadette: "You know, we learned in school that eating leftover cake all the time is really bad for you."

Cruz: "So I've heard."

I thought you were going to take off that "dumb costume"?

Alden: "Ehh.. I was, but you'd be surprised how comfortable this thing is!"

Alden: "That's right, Mistletoe, let me brush out your fur. That's a good kitty."

Alden: "Wah! Mom's pregnant again!"

Cruz: "What did you say?!"

Alden: "You heard me, mom's pregnant."

Cruz: ...Oh no, we haven't done the dirty since France… that must mean she's cheating on me!

Alden: "Chill old man, I was only joking."

Noel: "Hey! What are my two boys up to out here?"

Cruz: "Uhm.. Baseball. BASEBALL! We were playing catch out here. Ya know, throwing around the old baseball. Father-son bonding time."

Alden: "Smoothe Dad."

Cruz: "You owe me for this, Son…" He said under his breathe, just loud enough for Alden to hear.

Alden was in the tree house dog house for that stunt he pulled… quite literally. He ended up sleeping outside that night in his tree house.

Awww, cute! Mistletoe is trying to look out the window. Unfortunately, she's just a little bit too short."

Gingerbread: "You ready for this?"

Mistletoe: "Yea, just let me stretch first."

Mistletoe: "One."

Gingerbread: "Two.."

Both: "Three!..."

It's on!

It's always good to know that Alden's behaving well at school.

Morgan met the kids outside as they were getting of the bus. Now that Noel is back at work, she's the only person home when they get home from school.

Morgan: "So… Bernadette, how was your first day of school?"

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Bernadette: "It was great! We got to finger paint the solar system! The teacher said mine was the best!"

Alden: "Sure… you never asked me how my first day of school went…"

Noel is half way to the top of her career, which means she's half way there to completing her LTW. Ahh, you got to love all that maternity leave, isn't it just great!

Noel came home to find everyone arguing whether Pluto was a planet out on the lawn. She decided to break up the fight, that does tend to go along with her job description, and suggested that she and Morgan help the chillens with their homework.

While homework was being done, Mistletoe found a raccoon digging in the garbage. She was just as displeased as I was. Get 'em Mistletoe!"

That night was really the night for wildlife to wander onto the Apland lot. This was my first time ever seeing a deer. Eeek, so exciting!

Bernadette watched in amazement (as did I) as the deer bounded across the yard.

Before anyone knew it, it was Capri's birthday! Noel was the only one home at the time, however, so they just had a private little celebration.

Noel: "Let's blow out the candles together, Capri."

Caprice: "Da spawkles awe going up my panties. Mommy make it stop!"


At first I thought her mole and freckles disappeared… but don't worry they are still there.

Okay, you can't deny that she is downright adorable! Capri rolled Friendly as her third trait. Now I want you guys to know that I have been so good about just rolling the trait once and accepting whatever it is. This seriously is a big deal for me to actually do that!

Since school had already started by the time she aged up, Capri had the day to herself. So she rode her bike over…

… to this pretty little fishing spot with a waterfall, only to find a herd of wild horses already there.

Capri just sat and watched the majestic creatures in amazement. She ended up rolling the lifetime wish to have an animal shelter, or what ever it is. I selected it for her because it just seemed to fit her.

But the horses eventually got scared off, and so Capri did what she originally set out to do in the first place - fish!

Back at home, the other kids were back from school.

Bernadette: "You know, mom, we're going to have to do a lot of jogging to offset all this leftover cake we eat all the time."

But Berney's lecture was interrupted by Cruz's birthday.

Cruz: "Yay!!"

Bernadette: "Go Dad!"

Noel: I have to pee…

So Noel ran off to the bathroom, and then started celebrating her birthday.

Noel: "This is great! For once, the attention is for me since it's my birthday!"

Noel: "Fuck yea!"

Noel: "I think my jaw just broke from having it wide open for so long."

Noel: "Crap. I just realized that his means I'm getting old."

Noel: "So what do you think?"

Noel: "I've still got it, right?!"

Bernadette: "Mom… you look really old."

Really Old.


And that's where I leave you for today. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are still enjoying this legacy!  As the kids are getting older, I didn't know if anyone would be interested in me uploading them for your own personal use or for use in your own legacies? So if you would like some Apland love in your own game, just let me know. Also, as we draw nearer the end of this generation, be sorting out who your favorite young Apland is for the heir poll! It's still several chapters away, I'm sure… but when things look like they are going to be this close (I don't know about you guys, but I'm having a hard time picking a favorite) it's never too early to start contemplating…

AS always,

Happing Simming :D

generation 1, apland, apland legacy, cinder-rose, the tenth apland, sims 3

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