if you've been longing for 37 random facts about me, this is your entry

Jan 05, 2009 16:12

So, classes started up again today.  What better way to avoid reading my textbooks than by doing an end of the year survey?  There is no better way.  This is the way, people.  Anyways, I've been longing to steal this from girlinacardigan, and she's being nice and condoning my thievery, so...2008!  And yeah, this is a few days late, but let's just let it slide, k ( Read more... )

year end survey, grey's anatomy, spoiler!whore

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anonymous January 6 2009, 18:54:46 UTC
{Hmmm...so Hockey Sweater refers to the Renaissance?}

Um, no, sorry, I meant the word 'recced'. Which I am surprised is a word. (Oh, the grammar. *Dies*) Apparently: rec·ce [rékee] (slang) n (plural rec·ces). Same as reconnaissance (sense 1). So turns out I was both wrong, and ungrammatical :P

And here is where I start to babble. (Sorry about the random qualifying comment about 2 minutes after your reply to my dithery comment. It took a while to write and I didn't see it :P) The whole 'present day me' thing is reminding me of HIMYM, which I don't know if you watch or care about, but I kind of love it. It's pretty low on drama, or at least, it is compared to Grey's. Anyway, they have a thing with 'Hmm. You know who would be excellent at solving that problem? Future Ted. Let's let him deal with it.' (That's pretty much the best excuse I can think of to procrastinate. Procrastination due to Future Me Fixing It Better.)

Yeah, I particularly see her potentially being Dixon at 1:12 and when she's standing in back about 1:25. And her voice when she says "What's that?" in that way that goes, "If I wasn't being so amazing right now, I'd totally be saying 'I told you so'."

Well, present-day Morgen writes very good summaries. I have trouble with my summaries because a truly wonderful summary is a difficult thing. Anyway. Babbling. Bye.


morgenwrites January 6 2009, 19:05:37 UTC
Oh, rec. That makes a lot more sense than Hockey Sweaters. And it makes me feel a lot less oblivious. Also, I totally didn't know recced was a real word. I thought it was a made up fandom word, but yay. Look at that. The fancy stuff you typed. Yep.

Also, I don't watch HIMYM, but I kinda love the idea of letting future me solve all my problems. I really do think Future Me will be much better at all the homework and studying and other things of that nature, so I'll just leave them for her. Hee. Best excuse ever.

And yeah. Mer is so saying "I told you so" in a professional doctor way that makes her fabulous. Bossy, in charge Meredith is one of my favorite Meredith's.

Also, I'm glad my current summaries have improved. Yay. This is nice to hear. But yeah, I commiserate (look at my fancy big word that I'm hopefully using correctly, but am too lazy to doublecheck) with you. Summaries are hard to write well.

And, to answer your other question from the other comment, I should be working on Lit Toss this afternoon. That is the plan. Since, well, the chapter seems unwilling to write itself. It's an annoying chapter though because Derek is so in his head, and I'm trying to decide whether to use flashbacks or not. I like the flashbacks, but it'll make things very long and it kinda kills some of the tension to suddenly flash back to earlier points in their relationship, but...if I don't, the reasons for the things Derek does/says won't be as clear. And now I'm really just rambling at this point. Ugh. *headdesk* Clearly I overthink my fanfic.

And, the icons are SLOWLY coming along. I've made more, but I want around a hundred or so to make a batch for posting, and I'm not there yet. Because of school. And the stupid brain man.


anonymous January 6 2009, 19:54:20 UTC
Bossy In-Charge Meredith does indeed rock. I think she's up there with 'I'll be here until my sorrows get drunk and go home' Meredith and, of course, High Meredith. But as far as sober Merediths, Bossy Meredith and Meredith of the 'We do NOT have the same dad. My dad disappeared when I was five years old and I never saw him again. Does that sound like the Daddy that you grew up with?' speech. I kind of love it when Meredith's being all, 'I had a horrible sucky childhood and you didn't but look how much I survived'. To people like Lexie, and Derek, and patients, and, well actually, just about anyone would do.

As far as flashbacks, I think I'm solidly pro-flashback in most cases. The exceptions are when they are depressing memories in happy times, basically. But if we've got mopey!Derek and a few flashbacks would help us see where he is in his head, which, by your own admission it would do (my English teachers liked me, I swear), then... pro-flashback. However, I do understand the tension thing, so... Although if it's a FB of things we've seen onscreen and haven't heard from Derek's point of view, then that would be nice as well. I just generally identify with Mer at least 99% of the time. Which means that any insights into Derek's troubled psyche are appreciated ;) And about the overthinking... I hole up in Excel and make graphs and tables and schedules and lists. I know the last paragraph of chapter 60 of a story I've put on hiatus and I've written solidly up to 15. With 10 other chapters already finished out of order. So yeah. I am familiar with overthinking.

Argh. My neighbors are making something. Not sure what. Smells damn good, like lasagne. Must go eat.

Hee. Stupid brain man. Stupid indeed. They so need a manual. And to let down the defences for once because they were both trying to not break and if they'd just been honest at any one of the millions of opportunities they had before season 4 got underway, they could have been kissing it up in that unbelievably sweet candle house a looong time ago. (But seriously, can you spell FIRE HAZARD?)

Wow. That was long.


morgenwrites January 7 2009, 00:53:20 UTC
Hee. I pretty much like all Merediths. But yes, Mer on Drugs was extra fantastic. And drunk Mer is one of my all time favorites. And also, Mer of the Lexie smackdowns is wonderful. I cannot even begin to describe how much love I have for "Are you an idiot or a stalker?" But that too is one of my favorite things.

And I'm glad to hear you are pro-flashback in most cases because I think I'm gonna go ahead and include it. And this isn't a depressing memory in happy times one. It's more of a happy memory in depressing times in a way. (I hope that makes sense. I feel you understand my weird speak.) But yeah, it's Derek remembering the night in the water where he learned what a good swimmer Mer is firsthand. It's got Meredith and Derek naked in the water together, so hopefully it'll be worth reading. (Although I had originally planned for it to be from Mer's POV because I dislike writing sex scenes from the guy's POV for obvious reasons, but Derek is the one who needs to be having all these water memories, and just...AHHHH Them and their stupid boy penises.)

I'm very impressed by your fancy Excel story planning. I just tend to make very messy outlines in Word that get messier and messier as the story goes on. Also impressive? A 60 chapter story. Oh my goodness, I'm very jealous of your ability to plan something out that far in advance. I always have just kind of a vague "...and then things work out good in the end" plan for the ends of my fic, and I just kinda wing it when I get there. *hangs head in shame* Is your massive 60 chapter story a fandom story or just a regular type story? I'm intrigued. Either way, impressiveness.


anonymous January 7 2009, 01:44:23 UTC
Ah, well, my 60 chapter baby is actually down to 56 now, as I had to do some rearranging. (Oh, yeah. It's a Grey's fic. What else?) Which means that I now want to procure another 4 chapters from somewhere, mysteriously, because I really adore the idea of it being a nice round number. But because chapter 11 is kicking my ass, I've put it on hiatus and started work on an idea which is pretty stupid and slightly AU and will. not. leave. me. alone. So I have to write it. And it's making me screech things like, "I just had the best idea ever!" (I may rec you - not to be self-centered, I hope - if it turns out I can write it as wonderfully as it sounds in my head) and people around me look at me really weird. (People I know, but nyeh.) I'm going to shut up about my ideas now. (My planning of stories like in highschool and I had to do some creative writing crap, THOSE ones I just tumbled words onto the paper and filled in the planning sheet later. Oops?)

The water reflection (hee - no pun intended) sounds amazing, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it :) And I do understand your 'weird speak', and I like that name :P But yeah, that makes sense. That's a preferable kind of memory. (Now I'm thinking about the... Infinite Wonderfulness Of An Inpainted Mind? No... AHA! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Thaaat's it. Right. Anyway, I had a point... right. As much as I didn't GET that movie, it had the memory thing that seems sorta relevant here.) Bleurgh. Well, I'm sure you'll do fabulously at the sex writing from a boy's POV. I always try to make it from the girl. Stupid boy penises indeed. Oh, that scene was hilarious, with Mer's insightful, "He IS the boss of you" and George's confused, "Okay..." and the woeful, "No... I feel empty." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYIla0x6LOU&feature=related) I love it! Anyway.

Meredith in all minds is amazingly wonderful. Especially when sticking up for herself. And kissing. And being smart and doctorlike.

I think this may be the most topics I ever covered in one comment :P



morgenwrites January 7 2009, 02:50:04 UTC
Hee. I'm guilty of liking nice round numbers for ending fics on as well. I specifically stopped The World Turned Over at 40 because I liked the number. Ahhh... Anyway, yes. Definitely rec me your fic! I absolutely want to read the best idea ever. :D Are you writing the whole thing out before posting it? If you are, I am very impressed by your self-control. I would never be able to manage that. Although it'd do a lot to make my stories better, assuming I could edit them knowing the end and stuff like that. However, I tend to feel to tired and needy and so on after writing a chapter, and have no choice but to post it.

Anyway, I'm glad you're looking forward to the water reflection. Hee. That amused me. Ooh, I loved Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Pretty much entirely because of Kate Winslet and her character. I seem to really enjoy female characters who are just ever so slightly insane and full of issues and messed up, and Clem was definitely that in a very adorable way.

And yeah, you covered many, many topics in one comment. So many that I'm sure I am unable to match it.


anonymous January 7 2009, 03:38:10 UTC
As to... ESotSM (thinkin' Esio Trot - Roald Dahl. My mind works in strange ways), it kinda creeped me out. A lot. With all the secret-past-lives-that-you-don't-rememberness. But Clem was really very adorable and issue...d. Issued. So there :P And it's so very sweet with the hiding under the table and running all through his memories and aww. And KW with colory hair is very pretty in a slightly unsettling way. She was also pretty as Rose of the sinking ship, although I did want to shake her a bit. Sad. (A little creepy, too, if I'm being honest.)

I did intend to write all 60 before posting, but then I had a mini attack of some sort and realized that I couldn't bear to go all 60 without seeing if it was actually readable. So then I chopped off the first handful and stuck them up first. BTW? Writing two stories at the same time sucks. Nobody in my 3D life understands, because whenever I try to explain that I'm getting confused because I'm writing two stories with the same characters and I can't remember whether they're from the first or the second, I get some strange looks.



morgenwrites January 7 2009, 04:33:29 UTC
Yeah, Clem definitely rocked the odd hair colors. It definitely was creepy though, especially when Elijah Wood's character was using all the things from the life she didn't remember to make her fall in love with him. Ugh. It makes me shudder thinking about it.

I haven't tried writing two stories with the same characters at the same time. Well, unless a oneshot and a longer fic counts, but I don't think it does. It sounds hard. Also confusing to my already confused mind. So, no strange looks from me.


anonymous January 7 2009, 05:09:43 UTC
That guy makes me shudder. I actually physically shudder. It's bizarre.

I love how the comments and replying comments get smaller and smaller until someone says something about two sentences long and nobody replies. I find those little things interesting. Like when two+ people laugh a lot and then there's usually this little silence and then someone exhales with a hummy noise like they're kinda still laughing. Hee. Have you noticed that? (Yeah, I'm strange. I also just realized that I'm probably not getting an lj because I don't have the time to make it pretty. Strange. Anyway, I totally screwed up the dwindling with this massive paragraph.) ;P



morgenwrites January 7 2009, 05:25:15 UTC
Hee. You did kill the dwindling thing with the long paragraph. Oh well. I have to go to sleep anyway, so I will do the short paragraph! Yay!

Also, you should get an lj! It's really, really addictive and lovely. And there's always time to make it pretty. It's called procrastinating! I do it every day.

Ahhh...now I'm procrastinating on my sleep. Must go do that. :D


lemonfirefly January 7 2009, 18:52:28 UTC
Well, okay, you convinced me. It's very annoyingly plain and my first ever shiny new entry is all about how annoyingly plain it is. And I may also have mentioned Alice in Wonderland.

Can I be your friend? Pretty pretty please? I don't have any and I'm feeling pathetic.


lemonfirefly January 7 2009, 20:36:12 UTC
--and can I steal your survey?


morgenwrites January 7 2009, 21:22:29 UTC
Yay! I knew I could convince you. And of course you can be my friend. Just click add friend, and that should do the trick. I'll even add you first, so no feeling pathetic. :D

Also, go right ahead with the survey. I stole it from someone else anyways.


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