.... another dream

Jan 27, 2011 11:35

As usual i don't know how i arrived there, i was at my grandmother's with all my family and she cooked rotten potatoes, i DIDNT't know and si ate irks, i thought.i was going to be sick so i left. I took the train back to my place and during that trip i was sitting next to dongwoon. Apparently we were friends. I was on my laptop and he kept looking at what i was doing, and i hate that so i hit him.à few times, but he wouldn't't stop. I closed it and put.it.back in my bag and said "okay then let's sleep"
"Ok" so i leaned against the window, but he leaned on me, and he was freaking heavy so i hit his head and told him to find another spot , he then went in the spot in front of me, and put his feet on my lap, i was mad at him for annoying me like that so i put my feet on his lap as well and started à leg fight. Since he didn't want to stop i started to stroke his crotch with my foot, he twitched and stopped immediately, looked at me happily surprised. I should have kicked him then but i didn't, i just continued while playing with toy dinosaurs. And i fell asleep, my feet on dongwoon's erection, toy dinosaurs in my hands.
And i dreamt i was on à barge, headed to Holland, we were still in France but we had to take à sort of boat highway, it had à German name that i can't recollect. And it started in France. So we enter that boat highway and it was really weird cause it looked like à roller coaster with huge ups and downs, so we continue and at some point we climb the tallest up, the "driver" said to cling to something cause it was going to be violent. And in fact, it.was à vertical fall, basically the.boat fell back on the water, but it fell so violently that when we landed the boat was destroyed. We had to get out of the canal and search for all our belongings around. As i was searching the area i saw à sort of restaurant behind, and there was à camping site as well. So i went to see what it was about, and they were here because of that fall, the bastards had found the perfect spot. So i looked at that restaurant's menu and it was expensive as hell, it was empty too. I headed towards.the camping and saw there was à little snack house and toilets next to it. I started to want to pee. But first i looked at what that snack had to offer, they were selling fish and chips, sponge snails, bbq'd potatoes, and other stuff. I asked à guy if i could use the toilets, he said yes but i had to be careful not to bother the others. "The others?"
I entered the toilets and it had been transformed into à cyber cafe, there were people all around playing or chatting, and there was one toilet left, the thing was so tiny that even à normal person was crushed on the walls. Plus it didn't have à normal door, it was à revolving thing like in saloons lol.
So as i try to reach the toilets there was this guy who couldn't start his computer, he was.stupid th thing wasn't even plugged, so i plugged it and thanked me, the owner who was quite young and good looking thanked me and asked me what i wanted "pee" i answered and he pushed me to the tiny toilets, i sat down and he was there looking at me leaning on th revolving door, he.even wiggled his eyebrows at me like a pervert. I couldn't pee like that, he asked me what was the problem, i told him he was kind of cockblocking me, so he looked at the ceiling, and i finally managed to pee, it was so good. So good and true that i thought it was real so i flipped out and woke up and found myself in à train with dongwoon footjobbing me.... COULD YOU NOT ? i stood up and armlocked him and told him he was à pig while pulling his hair "come on you liked it !"
I slapped him "this is not à reason !!!" He protected himself with his arms before i could slap him again, so i hugged him tightly. I have no pride whatsoever. Then the train arrived, when we got off we were just where the snack from my dream was, so freaking weird. There there was people i knew and there was going to be à concert of some sort. People were rehearsing outside and all. There was also à tour bus. Of some non existant band with à singing chick, and i saw one of my friend entering it so i followed her and entered, she started to have à rapping battle with the singer of the band, apparently she was an intergalactical bitch and hated everyone. But my friend beat her at rapping and they started making out so i left and went to the snack to see ahjummas roasting potatoes in the bbq. One of them walked away and came back with à big photo album, and she showed it to me. There were pictures of me when i was à kid, it was weird cause i didn't even know her, why did que have pictures of me ? Too weird for me cause i woke up, for real this time.... then i went to pee cause, well, yeah.


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