Hello! Like many of you scholarly Lolis out there it has come time for me to write a paper and I have chosen Japanese subcultures, with an emphasis on Gothic & Lolita, Ganguro/Yabanba, and Yankees as my topic. I'm not going to make the redundant request for articles and books though, I'm fairly well equipped to find those myself. ^_~
What I would like to ask for is to see the papers that members of this community have already written. There isn't much in the way of *academic* material published on GothLoli, and since the paper I am writing is academic in nature I need to find those unpublished academic materials which I know are out there. ^_^
I promise I'm an honest student and will not be so stupid and inelegant as to plagiarize any of your works, I have a pretty distinctive style, and as this is a *writing* 340 course I'm composing this piece for my professor is familiar with it and would be quite quick to notice any inconsistencies in my work. I will make sure to use proper quotation and MLA citation of your papers in my own if I do end up using your piece as a source, and will send you a copy of my finished essay so you may review it as well.♥
Any lovely darlings willing to let me use their papers thus, please e-mail them to
loren . morgenstern @ gmail.com (no spaces if you are cut/pasting the link) Your considerate assistance is greatly appreciated!