Wasted years..?

Mar 05, 2015 04:52

Not all, of course.. Where did the time go? Just over 15 years ago my Mom died, I still had my cat Smudge then, both Grandmothers and an aunt & uncle.
I still have my Dad, though he's gotten a little strange and going for some scammers tricks, somehow convinced he's ahead and getting the best of them. I don't know, I answered a call from one.. 'You've won 2.5 Million dollars AND a New Mercedes!' Sure I have. I laughed at the guy and hung up after telling him 'Goodbye.' THis, unlike the last person to call being told that we already have a wireless security system, they hung up right when I was saying this.. Peoples manners stink, they get that way I suppose when grinding through a list of.. I want to say victims, but have to also say customers.
The people I've met since Mom died, most have been very good people, glad to call them 'friend' and love them for being such. The few I've seen that I've been forced to deal with that I still can't understand how they got near, I hope they stay gone. I don't need to get dragged down anymore, hopefully I'm done for now and I get to move on.
Current issues though, they're still what they've been, but not letting them get me hung up if I can help it, and I know I can.
Nah, the only real waste is not getting out and realizing what I was doing and missing out.
Surrounding yourself with good people, yeah, that'll help get your head on right. The rest though, that's on you.. I tell people; Help others and you help yourself.
I have to add to that.; Help others and you help yourself but don't let others abuse that or take it as weakness. You don't have to help anyone but where will you be when people remember hat you never helped and now need it? Another point to that, people can tell things like that.
I love helping friends, they know it, or I hope after this long they do.
Biggest thing I want to do now is to get another vehicle and save to go to school. I find myself dreading going back to work as a truck driver because It's been sucking away life for years but I wouldn't have been able to do at least a few things if not for having that income or being able to go some places and meet awesome people.
I just finished watching 'Interstellar' and I broke up thinking how much I'd missed being near family and the friends I've come to think of such.. I'd like to have my own but like school, I've no idea how to go about it.
This past month however, I've gone ahead and checked out a couple schools and I'm leaning toward one in particular. I want to go to school for massage therapy, I've been getting bugged for years to go get certified. (Yes, I'm poking at you Sarah, Mel & Cristin!) If I could effectively short someone's nervous system with a little pressure by running my finger down their spine and having them lock up but feel MUCH more relaxed after, I think I can handle going to get properly trained, don't you? Putting someone to sleep on their feet at work was also fun. Yes, I'm a little warped and no, I wasn't mean in doing it then walking away, I stayed close enough to help if they didn't catch themselves.
Oh, as another thought occurred to me as far as my other interests.. I mentioned to a friend that maybe I'd like to leave a pot of soup going for people waiting for massage or just getting done. Well, the friend said that would probably go over well where they live so I asked where, they said Hawaii.. Apparently it's also an Indonesian custom as well. Well, okay, cool.. I still like to cook as some know. Seems the only time I get to is when I'm not working and then don't have the money or I have the money but not the time since it means I'm working. Always the way, innit?!
I saw it's been about a year since I'd written anything, best place to if I'm going to get to it, really. Facebook & Twitter..not particularly thrilled with either. Pick up a phone, write a letter or simply drop me a note through email.. Okay text over my phone is OKAY but you'd better expect a phone call since I don't really like doing it on a flip phone. Who really wants to hit those keys multile times to get a word..?

Oh, another movie that kind of inspired me. Summer Wars. The family interaction is something else, makes me wish family like that were still around. Gram and Mom especially.. With them gone, wow..some things aren't nearly as fun.
Sooo.. This started off with me feeling down. Not right now, hoping whomever reads will laugh or smile and maybe get where I'm coming from. Maybe give a leg up by way of helping me on my way, you do that for people you care for. I have to remember, as much crap as I give Dad..make sure he knows I love him, he's all I have and I -want- him to see grandkids.. THe man has worked all his lifeand even with the problems he's there..
I'm working on him to learn some things, y'know how he can be if you've met.. Best time with him tht no matter what happens that still makes me smile? Riding with him in his truck to scout camp, I do mean -TRUCK- Yes, a GMC Astro 95..

Anyway, take care. Hopefully in another year I'll have been able to get saved up for school and meet someone that I can be with, never know.
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