Just in case FB barfs on this post there..

Mar 22, 2014 21:21

I've said this before but maybe it didn't take. Stop bothering me with game requests or page recommendations. I delete them. I like my privacy as limited as it is... I use LiveJournal, thank you. I don't even use that very much either anymore. Twitter? The first four letters describe what I think of most people on there. Anyone wants to know what kind of turn my health has taken or wants to get in touch with me, Skype, call or text. See, the reason being is that since I was pretty much offline for a couple months due to not having the money to pay my bills. I worked out a payment plan with Verizon and except for the last bit and probably another month, I'm good with them. I'm just not as interested in being connected as I was. I'm trying to get where I'm focusing on having more fun without the computer and more able to keep my mind on my job or career, whatever it may turn out to be. I need to be out of the house, it's holding me back. By the way? For whatever reason Dad got a phone call from 'dipshit' in Mich. tonight.. No need to guess who he was talking to. I was gonna sit on the couch but as soon as I heard him backpedal from something she -thought- (there'd be a novelty, her thinking.) he said I turned and just went back into my room. But since he doesn't have the sense to know better than to talk to me about her he came by to tell me about how much snow she'd gotten out there after getting off. Uhm, hello? I don't care. If she calls on my birthday I'll change my phone number and just whomever is supposed to have it might get it.
The people I've met and talk to even if it's not regularly, you're fine.
My stuff in this house? I've already sold off most of my comics for the cash they're worth but at cover price. Someone is getting them who likes what I've sent so far. My other stuff like the paperbacks..? I've got to go through and write down what I've got for them along with everything else that I can't see keeping. It's something else when you're told to clean up your mess when the person telling you will buy more stuff then pile it higher and deeper but it won't make it past the top of the attic stairs.

In the past month I've gotten an MRI, Ultrasound and a CT scan. My iron and sugar are back up but I've been able to buy more food and stock up a bit due to my friend buying the comics and getting taxes back quickly. I'm waiting to hear if I get more physical therapy for my back, which has been better over the past few days, thanks.
Turns out the hemochromatosis I've been diagnosed with a few years ago isn't getting better, probably due to Mal-nutrition. They found a cyst on my left kidney, spots on my liver telling them that the cirrhosis is getting worse and my liver is enlarged but functioning OKAY. Yep, need to move on, go for the job that's supposed to be waiting for me and put 'er balls to the wall...GTF out of my way, I've had enough. Being picked at in the guise of 'helping' isn't.
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