My flist today seems to mainly go Doctor Who, Doctor Who, Doctor Who, meme of some kind, Doctor Who, Doctor Who, RL post, Doctor Who, Doctor Who, Doctor Who, Doctor Who.
Which is understandable. Because it was incredibly fab. I still think Moffat's a better writer but yes. Well.
I sall give proper thoguhts when I've actually read my flist and had a cup of tea or three.
The inaugural Acklesfest was a great success I think, Fangirl Towers is rather lovely and the sooper sekrit projects of
katie__pillar and
chaletian were all very shiny.
In the course of last night (and a bit of this morning) we watched:
1 Doctor Who episode
6 Supernatural episodes
3 Dark Angel episodes
1 Buffy episode
2 Angel episodes
Plus a rather hysterical TV quiz thingummy with a slightly scary host lady.
Sounds like heaven for fangirls no?