If it was Lavender, which it may well have been, I now have a copy bought from teaandbooks so don't worry about it! Loves Labours Lost would be good though! (do I owe you anything, other than the Gather notebooks which I just found under a pile of books *blushes*)
New CS, Bride, Joey goes to the Oberland, Does It Again, Fete, Excitement, Leader, Redheads, Adrienne, Summer Term and Two Sams.
Which is actually 11 as I can't count *g* but I'm getting there! I was very surprised when I managed to get them all there and in order (and discovered a couple of doubles of my own in the paperbacks, I'm keeping my doubles of the GGBs as I like seeing where they were cut)
Of those I have spares of Bride (pb, but it's a bit tatty), Does It Again (GGB and pb), Fete, Leader and Adrienne. Would you like any of them? I'm afraid I can't afford to just give them to you, but I am open to any reasonable offer. :)
My immediate reaction is that I'd love to take all of them ;) I'm not great on the relative values of the paperbacks though I'm afraid, I thought someone had made a helpful list of rarity but I don't seem to be able to find it...
They're all fairly rare though (or at least I think I have all the common ones) would £50 be too little, that's £10 each which would be not enough for the GGB Does It Again but probably quite a lot for Fete or a tatty Bride. (oh I'm so bad at this!)
£50 sounds quite reasonable. :) It's not as if I'm ever going to get around to putting them on ebay or anything - they've been sat there for at least 2 years! It will probably be the weekend before I can manage to dig them out of storage (ie my parents' house :D)) though, and I have no idea what postage would be. I wouldn't have thought it would be too much as they're all pb, but you never know. :)
Carey Mulligan is indeed gorgeous and talented and I was very impressed by her. And the statues were terrifying!
Not as far as I know. I'd forgotten about the notebooks!
Which is actually 11 as I can't count *g* but I'm getting there! I was very surprised when I managed to get them all there and in order (and discovered a couple of doubles of my own in the paperbacks, I'm keeping my doubles of the GGBs as I like seeing where they were cut)
They're all fairly rare though (or at least I think I have all the common ones) would £50 be too little, that's £10 each which would be not enough for the GGB Does It Again but probably quite a lot for Fete or a tatty Bride. (oh I'm so bad at this!)
When you've figured out p&p email me and I can send you a cheque or do a bank transfer, whichever you prefer!
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