Today in numbers:
- One Rainbow left for Brownies :-( I mean it was planned but it was also half a term earlier than I expected and she was a very big characters Day two of the week and yet I am tired enough for at least Thursday if not Friday. Which is unfortunate given tomorrow is a 12 hour day because I'm giving a talk in the evening.
- Three panels in this brilliant Mrs Tittlemouse the Suffragette cartoon. I've loved all the stories, politics, campaigning, cartoons and general amazingness that #Vote100 has brought today.
- Four new Rainbows made their Promise <3 One read the words and one needed prompting but they were all very serious and happy. One of them was the granddaughter of my Guide leader which was lovely too.
- Five day at Nine World this August... this is a bit of a longshot because what I really mean is 4 nights at the con hotel booked today because if I'm doing Nine Worlds again I'm staying in the right hotel this time but technically I arrive on Thursday and leave on Monday so 5 days.
Otherwise I am mostly just very very tired. Not really sleeping (thank you person who pointed out we have 16 weeks to go ohdeargodthereisntenoughtimehelpme) plus quite a lot of heavy lifting yesterday does not make for a well rested Sarah. I suspect the 12 hour day tomorrow is unlikely to help either (I'm giving an evening talk which stretches things out). I am endeavouring to remember to stick to one day at a time... though speaking of which I haven't watched 2/3rds of the first episode of the new Endeavour series and was glad to note they're still employing old Globe actors ♥
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