My sister & brother-in-law have both been struck down with the flu! They missed Cats and we thought it was just a bug but it's clearly something more :-( here's hoping they're well enough to make it back for Christmas.
(I mean I know given everything in Glasgow he flu is relatively minor, it's just so horrible)
Second Lessons and Carols tonight, serving this time, and when I was expecting different versions of the various pieces I liked them a lot more. I also like the piece of Tavener they did a lot better the second time around- it's called Annunciation and I hadn't heard it before and having at least a feeling for the structure really helped me appreciate it. I also discovered that the choir was split and singing from two different places which wasn't at all obvious from where we were sitting yesterday. You can hear it
here but it's quite a different piece in a candlelit cathedral (unsurprisingly I guess)
I haven't said much about our tea Advent Calendar but today's Tisane de Noel was full of peppercorns and cocoa beans and cardoman and it has been perfect for cutting through my cold <3
22. Favourite festive scene Well my all time favourite Christmas scene is from Lanterns Across the Snow but I've already used that so I'll say Jo of the Chalet School because the descriptions of Jo, Madge & the Robin experiencing Christmas in Innsbruck are so beautiful and lovely and made me want to visit Austria so much.