So far in January there has actually been a slight upswing in LJ activity (well there has on my flist anyway). Not huge but it's really nice to see so if you are posting keep going <3
I tend to post quite a lot anyway even if it is ALL theatre related :-P but here are some assorted links/things I'm thinking about atm because my brain is still too full to make actual coherent posts on one topic. *G*
- 27 Science Fictions that became Science Fact in 2012 I had heard about most of these before but some of them really are incredible- the first one particularly.
- Load this page and then move your cursor around, it's slightly hypnotic but very cool and you can change the number at the end of the url between 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 to get different effects.
- This point was going to say "they need to stop casting people I love in stuff that I then have to go and see" but then I realised it was a LIE and really I just want someone to give me free tickets to ALL THE THEATRE *g* Mind you the newest Peter and Alice casting bits (yay Ruby Bentall <3) are fine because I already have tickets. I just wish things would stop making me want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because if it's on at Drury Lane it's not going to be cheap is it?
- I'm still basically on a fannish high from the Lizzie Bennet Diaries yesterday <3 which does actually remind me that I was a little bemused by how many IAWTV awards Squaresville won versus shows like LBD (though IDK if it's the wrong category) and Husbands (why didn't it win all the things?!). I like Squaresville, it's a sweet little show and the season finale was well done but it's not brilliant like that.
- Later this year I will be seeing my first, live, American Football game at Wembley... Dad dithered for ages about whether he wanted to go and decided no and then when I got home yesterday he said he'd bought tickets *rolls eyes* I'm quite excited all the same :D Vikings-Steelers.
Um... that's probably it for now. Ballet tonight and theatre tomorrow and in between I have to do ALL THE THINGS (that I didn't do earlier this week because of being ill :-/)