So apparently it's Award season already and so my head is a little bit filled with 1) pretty dresses 2) awesome suits 3) YAY THEY WON/GOT NOMINATED 4) BOO HOW DID THEY NOT WIN/GET NOMINATED 5) why are those two random awesome people hanging out together!
Actually that's a lie. Right now my head is filled with DARCY LOVES LIZZIE SOOOOOOO MUCH <3
I've always loved Pride & Prejudice but the degree I'm falling back in love with this story because of the
Lizzie Bennet Diaries is ridiculous and the most recent video? Pretty much the lake moment for all you Colin Firth fans out there and it's totally different and utterly perfect and MY HEART.
I just ♥ You should all be watching it. Really you should. All 78 episodes (hey, at leat they're short!)
OH! Incidentally, while we're on things I love, earlier this evening we finally watched the Spy Christmas special and I... don;t really talk about that show do I? But it was so beautiful. And I don't just mean Mark Heap's continued existence but actually the whole episode and the characters and the way that FAMILY is actually all important.
This post is a little bit all over the place. Much like my brain to be honest.
But back to the start of this post PLEASE let Jennifer Lawrence win an Oscar because her acceptance speeches are just beautiful as is her continued existence.