Spent the morning hoovering up spiders which was obviously enormously fun.
Am now struggling to stay awake because it's warm & sunny and my current task is incredibly dull. Oh well. I've only got an hour left and then I'm off to the Union Theatre to see The Fix :D
Time for a tea break & another play review I think *g*
The Last of the Haussmans @ National Theatre (Lyttleton)
So this is a play about two grown up children returning home to live with their mother- can you think of anything better for me to go and see with my parents? *g*
Though actually it's partly about families and how they change over time, partly about growing up and partly about what happens when hippies grow old.
Julie Walters was made to play Judy (or rather possibly Judy was written to be played by Julie Walters). She's not a million miles away from her Dinnerladies character but Judy is very much a hippy & a revolutionary who enjoys flashing David Dimbleby (who has a house across the bay).
And then Rory Kinnear & Helen McCrory as her children are just WONDERFULLY screwed up. Rory Kinnear in eyeliner and tatty clothes- a down and out barely recovered drug addict and Helen McCrory looking gorgeous but faded & tired with her own teenage daughter in tow... they were believably siblings as they fought and sniped but also believably siblings who'd been through a fairly awful childhood together (they had the odd quiet moment, resting their heads together, that were really rather beautiful).
It's a very funny play, there were some wonderful lines including a whole speech about what happens to hippies when they realise humanity isn't worth saving (they set up donkey sanctuaries *g*) but it was the sort of funny which is also desperately sad in places (bcause this truly is a broken family and it's the sort of play where a snatched moment of happiness is bound to cause angst later on).
The rest of the cast were good too- Isabella Laughland playing Summer was great but clearly not a teenager, Matthew Marsh as the Doctor managed to act acting like a hippy (without actually being one iyswim) and Taron Egerton was suitably silent and drop dead gorgeous for his role as Daniel who comes in to use their pool (in fact his first entrance, half naked and with Rory Kinnear's eyes following him, mouth literally hanging open was both hilarious and very VERY beautiful)
And I don't know if it had a point exactly, something about family and about our blindspots and about our ability to hurt each other but that in the end the paths our lives take have to be partly down to us not all blamed on others.
I just mostly wanted to take Helen McCrory's Libby on holiday somewhere and make her smile & not have to worry every again ♥
Anyway I'd highly reccommend it if only to see the wonderful central cast and the ratehr ibncredible set!