Nearly fainted at the end of the service today, it's been a really long time since I've tried that trick when Serving :-| At least it really was RIGHT at the end so I just missed the procession out.
Means I've been feeling rather limp and floppy today and haven't got through my to-do list. Again. I can't decide if I'm doing too much at the moment (or rather trying and failing to do too much or if I'm being unusually pathetic. I think it may well be the former though I'm not very sure what I can do to fix that as most of what I'm doing is necessary/important.
Oh well. A week tomorrow I go on holiday so that should help.
On Friday Mum & I headed into London so I could complete my Southwark theatre triple (Union then Old Vic then Young Vic) in a week *g*
Bingo @ Young Vic
So I booked these tickets FOREVER ago and because the Young Vic don't really do seating plans until a play is in rehersal they just assigned us seats and Mum and I? Front row dead centre :-D
It's a difficult play... or maybe not difficult but definitely quite strange. It's all about Shakespeare after he's gone back to Stratford & got involved with some local land dealings (there's one document signed by him that actually exists that I think the whole thing flows from) but it's ACTUALLY about him struggling to work out who he is and what he's done with his life and about him living with his family when really he sort of hates them and he definitely hates them.
And I'm not entirely convinced by the play, IDK it had great moments and then bits where I was entirely confused, but the cast were brilliant.
A young beggar woman turns up early on and Michelle Tate was wonderful becasue she wasn't in it a lot but I think she'd have haunted me even if they hadn't had her body hanging over the scenery in the back half of Act One,
And John McEnery ♥ who I always adore at the Globe and who played "Father" here- Shakespeare's gardener who was injured as a soldier and has the mental capacity of a child. Ellie Haddington played his wife, she's one of those people who turns up in EVERYTHING on TV so you forget that she's really very very good.
And then there were all these other characters- Richard McCabe's drunken & selfcentred Ben Johnson and Catherine Cusack as Judith Shakespeare who was either desperate for her father's money or attention or both or neither and Alex Price playing a, quite frankly, terrifying puritan (son of "Father" and "Mother")
But of course Patrick Stewart was very much at the centre and he was really brilliant. It's fairly impossible to look away from him when he's in full flow and there was a seeking, searching quality about him as he was asking these huge questions about man's cruelty and the nature of writing plays.
What was interesting really was how pretty much every character thought that they were the good guy/girl and that they were trying to save/help/protect other characters but most of them caused huge amounts of harm accidentally either directly or indirectly. I think Ellie Haddington & the young beggar woman were probably the only two who didn't.
It was very good though and I'm glad I booked the tickets even back then (I think it was maybe more than a year ago).
I very much don't want next week to start tomorrow. Could we have a second Sunday please?