This afternoon has been a mixture of lovely and awful. The lovely was listening to my Christmas in New York CD and writing Thank You letters (it's still Christmas people, we've got the Pipers and the Drummers still to go :P)
The awful was yet another battle with the Rainbow waiting list after we discovered two of the current girls have dropped off the Brownie waiting list... IDEK I'm pretending it's not real for the moment. We've got this Half Term's intake sorted and that's good enough for me. Had a minor battle trying to download forms from the Guding website too and am now in the absolute perfect mood for a planning meeting tomorrow. Not.
Being sheeplike I ought to post my contribution to Yuletide this year:
The Old Year's Gone Away by
morganmuffle for
History Boys (2006)Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: David Posner/Donald Scripps
Don Scripps finds the Christmas cards David Posner's been writing to their old friends.
And also thank the wonderful
kannaophelia for my Downton Abbey femslash
Dreaming of Change ♥