This is very similar to what we are building in our backyard right now. I'm providing moral support and Anthony is drilling and screwing and building. In all honesty, if I had known how big of a project this ark was going to be I might have gone with what many people recommended--getting an old wooden kids playhouse off craigslist and setting up a chicken tractor. That definitely would have been cheaper and faster although I do think once we get this done and painted (Valspar calls the color 'deep space', we call it 'Santorini Blue') it will be much more aesthetically pleasing, which is kind of important in a small yard! And, assuming it turns out, Anthony will feel much more confident in his building skills, although he may be loathe to take on a big project anytime soon.
I will just be really glad to have something a bit roomier to put the chickies in at night since right now I feel like they have the tiniest box for at night--not that they don't all just want to cuddle together anyway, but since they have to wait for me to put them outside in the AM, I feel like they get antsy wanting to get out.
So that's the update!