Wierd musings from an old lady

Mar 14, 2010 21:43

When I was a young girl listening to Irene (my grandmother) talk about what she had as a child and seeing how much had changed in her life time I thought that was amazing. How the world had changed so much in such a relatively short time. I thought she was so lucky to have seen so much advancement in living and in the world and nothing would change while I was growing up.

What could I expect in science or domestic changes? By the time I was born America had put a man on the moon. Most houses had electric was just at a flip of the switch, phones, and indoor plumbing. That was such a leap from what my grandmother had when she was my age. There was no way that I could expect differences like that.

This afternoon I was talking to my husband and realized how many amazing changes have happened in my life time. I was actually surprised of the innovations that have take place in the 40 years I have lived. The strange part is we or at least I don't seem to notice them they just sort of evolve.

When I was a kid I rocked out to my 8 track tapes on my large stereo. When I was in high school I was excited that now I could take my music with me on my Boom Box and when Sony walk men came out WOW we had hit the big time. We could run, walk, and have extremely portable music. I could have never imagined all the music that something as small as a ipod nano could carry. Or for that matter how much music I could keep on my phone( I will talk more about cell phones later.)

I drove a 1973 Plymouth Duster with a slant six engine. It was a large car with a 2 body trunk and a large back seat you could sleep on. It took leaded gasoline and got about 10-12 miles to the gallon. The car I have now runs on unleaded gasoline and gets 20-25 mpg. Car companies now have hybrid cars and my husband's dream car is a Tesla Roadster that is eclectic and can go on electricity and can go

As a kid I talked to my friends on a rotary dial phone that attached to the wall. I had to go up to the phone dial the number and had to stay close to the base of the phone. Then the phone company changed and we got these nifty things called touch tone phones. Then we got wireless phones. These were great you could talk all over the house no cord to keep you attached to the phone. Then car phones came out they were huge devices that would go with you in your car. Phones had left the house and they kept getting smaller; yet they were still just phones. Now you can read books on your phone, keep your important dates on your phone, surf the Internet on your phone, and do just about anything on this handy little thing that we could barely live without.

That is only a few things that I thought about, theres TV, computers, Internet (yes I know technically it came out the same year I did but...) so the next time you start thinking that nothing new ever happens anymore just set down and think of the innovations that have gone on since we we young. There are so many things we have now that we “could not live without that we thought we science fiction when we were younger.....well at least old farts like me.
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