"The Little Hummer Boy's 25 Drabbles"

Feb 01, 2009 14:08

Title: The Little Hummer Boy
Timeline: Post 513
Written for the 'Tis the Season Prompt' at IJ.
It's a full story 2500 words... so don't let the drabble thing fool you.

The Little Hummer Boy

“Would you please stop?”




Clueless, Justin continued humming.

Brian slammed his foot down on the brake pedal. He steered the car to the side of the road and put the vehicle in park.

Once Justin righted himself in his seat, he stared at Brian, his mouth open, all humming ceased.

“Blow me.”

“You nearly threw me through the windshield and you want me to blow you?”


“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I’ve been listening to you hum, Oh Come All Ye Fucking Faithful for the last fifteen minutes. Now put that humming to good use.”


Brian gripped Justin’s hair at the roots and pulled his head up.

A trail of spit connected Justin’s lips to the head of Brian’s cock. “What’s wrong?”

Brian didn’t want Justin to stop. He wanted Justin to continue to suck his dick. But Justin was ruining the blowjob. “When I said to put your humming to good use, I didn’t mean that you should hum Deck the Halls as you sucked my dick.”

Justin pulled away from Brian and sat back in his seat. He pouted. “I was humming “Deck the Balls.”

Brian had to laugh. “Shouldn’t that be ball?”

Brian followed a silent, obviously pissed off Justin into their living room. He put the two bags of decorations he carried, down on the floor beside where Justin had unceremoniously dropped his bags of lights.

Brian pulled Justin into his arms and reached for the box of lights in Justin’s hands. “That can wait.”

Justin puffed out a breath of air and extracted himself from Brian. “No it can’t.”

Brian laughed, thinking Justin was joking. “Come finish what you started.”

Justin looked over at the tree and surveyed the two strands of lights he’d put on it yesterday. “I am.”



Justin ignored Brian and continued to string the white lights on the large Christmas tree.

“You’re being ridiculous.” Brian rubbed his erection through his pants. “I’m not going to apologize for being annoyed with Christmas. You’re lucky I’ve even entertained the idea of Christmas.”

Justin didn’t spare one glance at Brian as he plugged in the lights.

“You were right,” Brian groused. “A smaller tree wouldn’t have fit the scale of the room.”

Justin smiled to himself and wiggled his ass as he grabbed an ornament from a box on the floor.

Brian groaned, “I can always jack off.”

“Go jack off,” Justin said flippantly.

Brian’s eyes widened. “Why don’t you fuck off?”

Justin turned quickly towards Brian. His arm hit one of the tree’s limbs and he dropped both of the red ball ornaments he held onto the floor. “Fuck! Shit!”

“It’s no big deal,” Brian said, walking over to Justin. “You’ve got a hundred of them.”

Justin glared. He only had two dozen of the red ones. He looked around at the shattered glass. There was nowhere for him to step that wouldn’t result in him cutting himself. “Brian?”

“So now you’ll talk to me?” Brian smirked.

Justin waited until Brian carried him over the glass before replying. “Do you know how hetero you just sounded Brian?”

Brian shoved Justin’s legs off his waist, only a little disappointed when Justin didn’t fall on his perfectly formed ass. Brian had been squeezing it with his palms before Justin’s smart-ass remark forced him to stop. “You’re denying me sex, like a breeder housewife.”

Justin stood on his tiptoes and touched his lips to Brian’s. “You’re denying yourself Ebenezer.” He laughed and wiggled his ass some more as he walked into the hall.

Brian glared at the big happy tree.


With a sigh, loud enough for Justin to hear in the hall, Brian stepped around the glass and picked up an ornament.

Justin walked back into the living room, carrying a dustpan and broom and wearing the pair of Brian’s running shoes he kept by the front door. He tried to act as though Brian hanging ornaments on a Christmas tree was not something completely out of the norm. But when he’d convinced Brian to get a tree, he’d never expected Brian to participate in decorating it. He forced himself not to stare at Brian and swept up the mess.

Brian knew that Justin was trying his best not to make a big deal about him decorating the Christmas tree. He wasn’t doing it because Justin had refused to finish the blowjob he’d started in the car. Brian did it because he knew the faster they decorated, the sooner he’d get to fuck Justin. The playful teasing between them built the urgency inside of him to fuck Justin hard.

Brian watched Justin’s ass sway as he walked off to dump the dustpan and put away the broom. When Justin came back into the room, Brian held up two blue ornaments.

“Look, I’ve got blue balls.”

Justin’s laugh echoed around the large room. He waited for Brian to hang one on the tree, which apparently the placement of the glass ball required careful consideration. Once Brian placed it on a limb, Justin asked, “Shouldn’t that be ball?”

Brian laughed with Justin as he carelessly hung the other ornament. He pulled Justin into his arms and nibbled around his ear. Brian whispered conspiratorially, “Now I don’t have any balls.”

Justin playfully pushed Brian away form him. He grabbed a red ornament and dangled it before Brian. “I’ll give you one of mine.”


Brian was sure, at this point, that Justin didn’t realize he was doing it. He told himself that it was a good trade off. Justin humming, whistling and sometimes singing a few words to Christmas carols here and there, was much better than actually listening to the CD he’d seen him sneak in with their purchases at the store.

Besides the carols, Brian noticed that Justin seemed to be uncharacteristically quiet. He sort of missed the chatter that accompanied almost any time they spent together alone. Justin wasn’t ignoring him anymore, so Brian wondered why he wasn’t talking his ear off.

Justin noticed Brian staring at him. “There’s only one box left Brian,” he told the man. He figured Brian was through with decorating, but Brian just put his hands on his hips and leveled him with another stare. “What?”

“What are you planning?”

Justin thought for a moment. “I’m not planning anything that I know of.”

“I think you are.” Brian stepped closer to Justin.

“Do you want me to be planning something?”

“Why have you been so quiet?”

Justin laughed, “Me?”

“You, the man who broke my no Christmas trees rule.”

The white lights made Justin’s grin even brighter.

“You’ve been trying your best not to overwhelm me with your Christmas cheer huh?” Brian smiled.

Justin nodded.

Brian took Justin into his arms and finally the other man didn’t pull away from him. He rested his forehead against Justin’s.

Justin closed his eyes as Brian’s fingers danced along his spine. “Brian,” he moaned.

Brian slipped his fingers through Justin’s hair and tugged on it gently. He kissed his lips softly, slowly, and tightened their embrace. “Justin?”

“Yeah?” Justin breathed against Brian’s lips.

“You always overwhelming me. Probably always will.”

“I guess I’m not used to you overwhelming me Brian.”


“Don’t even think about it,” Brian warned.

Justin shrugged his shoulders. “I’m way past thinking about it.”








“Yeah, right.”

“Brian, please. One is not going to kill you.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do.”

“Brian,” Justin whined.

“You’re being awfully childish today.”

“What can I say? The Christmas spirit brings out the best in me.”

Brian considered throwing the hideous Santa Clause ornament at Justin’s face. He thought better of it and turned toward the tree to hang it before he did something else that would wipe the smug smile off Justin’s face.


“You son of a bitch!” Brian sprinted towards Justin.

Justin ran behind the couch. “Don’t talk about my Mother like that. Santa can hear you. You’re going to be on his naughty list,” he taunted.

“I’ve always been on the naughty list Justin.”


Brian blinked and glared. “I’m going to kick your ass!” He faked right, then left, and hurled himself over the leather couch.

Justin aimed the camera behind him, taking pictures as he ran from Brian. He ducked behind the Christmas tree. “Leave me alone!”

Brian smiled evilly. He picked up the box of glass snowflakes.

Justin peaked out from behind the Christmas tree. “You wouldn’t.”

Brian swung the box of ornaments back and forth. “Oh. Believe me. I would.”

“But…but they cost thirty dollars,” Justin tried to reason.

Brian shrugged. “And they were the last box at the store too.”

Justin crawled out from behind the tree. He clutched the camera to his chest. “You really would ruin my Christmas just because I took a picture of you hanging a fucking ornament.”

“What do you want more? A picture of me hanging a stupid Santa ornament. Or, thirty dollar snowflakes?”

Justin’s voice wavered, “You. Asshole.”

Brian rolled his eyes, annoyed with the emotional display Justin performed. “Are you really going to cry over this?”

Justin stared into Brian’s eyes. He grabbed the box of ornaments from Brian’s hands and turned them over so the snowflakes spilled onto the floor, cracking, breaking and bouncing amongst their feet. He raised his hand that clutched the camera and drew his arm back.

“Hey!” Brian halted Justin’s arm from moving with one hand and used the other to grab the camera. “I bought that for you last Christmas!”

Justin pushed Brian, nearly causing him to fall into the tree.

“This is precisely why I hate Holidays. Everyone goes fucking crazy when they don’t get what they want!”

Justin backed away from Brian, glass breaking under his shoes. “Well at least you admitted that you hate Christmas. Just go Brian. I’ll clean up the mess and have the living room looking like a hunting lodge sans Rudolf as soon as possible.”

“A hunting lodge!” Brian yelled, mortified at the implication.

“Or maybe you’d prefer a dead Rudolf?”

“I’d prefer you to get the sprig of mistletoe out of your ass and start acting like the man I married.”

Justin laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” Brian wondered, lost. Completely confused as to how exactly he and Justin went from decorating the Christmas tree to arguing about… well… he forgot what they were arguing about.

“I suppose I forgot who I married.”

Brian didn’t like the sound of that. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You hate Christmas. You don’t do sentiments, you only celebrate achieve…”

Brian pulled Justin towards him. “Shut up.”


“Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?”


“What did I say to you not a half hour ago? What did I say, standing right here?”

Justin blushed. “Oh.”

“I asked you to marry me here.” Brian moved over a few feet. “I made love to you, in front of the fireplace, here.” He walked a few steps forward. “I vowed to be with your ass for the rest of our lives, standing right here.”

“Just my ass?” Justin joked.

“I’m not that lucky,” Brian said sarcastically. He pulled Justin across the room and stopped under the upstairs railing. “Look up.”

“You hung mistletoe?”

“Any tradition that exploits P.D.A.’s is one worth celebrating.”

Justin roughly forced his lips onto Brian’s.

Brian was the king of exploitation.


“That’s the sexiest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen,” Brian said proudly.

Justin rolled his eyes at Brian’s adjective. “You can’t tell some of the snowflakes are broken?”

Brian could, but he was sure it was because he knew which ones he and Justin placed onto the tree. “No. It doesn’t matter anyway. Snowflakes aren’t supposed to be the same right?”

“Right.” Justin smiled. “Thanks for cleaning up my mess.”

Brian knew he’d helped make the mess anyway. He surveyed the room. “The fireplace looks understated.”

Justin dug into a paper bag. “I can change that.”

Two striped stockings taunted Brian.

Justin laughed at Brian’s expression. “Would you prefer if we used your candy striped Versace socks?”

“Bite your tongue. I own no such thing!”

“Yes you do. You have the black ones with white and red stripes, or the red ones with black, red and white stripes, oh those navy blue ones have those little snowflakes on them!”

“That’s the logo!” Brian said, horrified. “They aren’t snowflakes.”

“Whatever. Chose what ones you want to use. I’ve also got some garland, tinsel and red and white candles for the mantle.”

“Well those flashy gold, green and orange things will never work.”

“Stop pouting. I had to poke holes in them or they never would’ve hung on the holders.” Justin rubbed his hand soothingly up and down Brian’s back.

“But… I thought you’d…”

“There was nothing I could do Brian,” Justin said in mock sadness.

“Santa better replace them.”

Justin kissed Brian’s cheek. “Don’t worry. You’ve been a very good boy.”

Brian turned to Justin. He raised one eyebrow. “I have?”

“Oh yeah.” Justin stuck his bottom lip out. “But I’ve been naughty. You’ll have to share your gifts with me.”

Brian pushed on Justin’s shoulders. He sing sang, “On your knees.”

Justin took Brian’s cock out of his pants. He encircled it with his right hand and gave it a long pull while one finger on his left hand dragged up and down Brian’s perineum.

Brian widened his stance as best he could with his jeans around his knees. Each touch from Justin seemed too much and not enough, as always.

Justin hummed and suckled the head of Brian’s cock, drawing the tasty pre-come into his mouth. Relaxing his throat, he slid his mouth towards Brian’s crotch, deep throating the hard cock.

Brian gasped, “Oh hear the angel’s voices.”

Justin choked.


Brian nibbled around Justin’s ear. “I’ve never seen you choke on my dick before.”

Justin laughed. “Just don’t ever do that to me again.”

“Hey. I thought you wanted me to be in the Christmas spirit. Down on your knees. Oh hear the angel’s voices.”

Justin wrapped his legs around Brian’s waist. “You are a naughty boy Brian. Now, get inside me and make this a white Christmas.”

“I thought I already did.” Brian licked his come from Justin’s cheek.

Justin placed Brian’s dick at his sticky entrance. “Come on.”

“Shit!” Brian jerked his cock away from Justin’s hot hole.

Justin grinned. “It’s peppermint lube.”

Brian rolled his eyes. “What is with you and surprising me with flavored lube?”

“You’ll like this much better than the blueberry. I promise.”

Brian slowly entered Justin’s ass. “Oh fuck. It’s hot.”

“Mmm.” Justin nodded. “Now pull out.”

“Jesus Christ!” Brian shivered.

Brian’s eyes practically rolled back into his head as Justin’s ultra-heated ass enveloped his dick again.

“Merry Christmas,” Justin gasped, the heat, cold and Brian’s cock driving his insides wild. “Mmmm….mmmm….mmmm…mmmmm….mmmm….mmmmm….mmm.”

Brian bit Justin’s neck. He growled, “I’m going to fuck the humming right out of you.”

“Yes,” Justin moaned. “Please do.”

Thus concludes “The Little Hummer Boy’s 25 drabbles”

bjfic, the little hummer boy, qafdrabbles

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