The Fabric of Our Lives

Dec 19, 2008 08:44

The Fabric of Our Lives
Written for the "Jeans" prompt challenge at qafdrabbles, though I may add more to this prompt if inspired to do so. My take on it is Jeans Speak for themselves, they're also extremely creative.
Thanks goes out to Tweedygal for betaing most of these (mistakes are my own) and happier_bunny & qafmaniac for encouragement.


Thank you for choosing me today.
Yes. You’re right. I do hug your soft ass perfectly. And I’m just tight enough to support your balls and cock. I don’t mind our other cotton friend, but I’m happy you chose not to put him between us today.

I won’t even mind it when that gorgeous man rubs himself against us. I’ll try my best to accommodate your growing dick when he touches you. I won’t care when you leave that sticky sweet juice on me. And when he takes me from you, I’ll just watch and wait until we meet again.


"Slutty boy," Brian whispered. He kissed down Justin's chest, tugging at his jeans, "you loved going commando today, didn't you?"


"Did it make you hot? Feeling the material slide against your ass, the seam rubbing under your balls?"

Justin moaned and lifted his hips off the couch to help Brian take off his jeans.

"You're a tease," Brian said, tossing the jeans beside him. "You know I love to have easy access to your hot little hole." Brian pushed Justin's legs apart and knelt between them. "You walked around all day, getting horny, knowing I do. Didn't you Justin?"


"I couldn't wait for you to find out."

"Did it make you hard; sitting in a swanky restaurant with that art dealer, knowing your dick wasn't confined?"


Brian grabbed the jeans and smelled the crotch. He smirked. "You got wet."

"I'm wet now." Justin palmed his cock, sliding his precum up and down the shaft.

Brian placed his hand over Justin's and slid his fingers into the fluid. He dragged two of his fingers down under Justin's balls, over his perineum, pushing them between his cheeks and touching Justin's entrance.

Justin groaned in frustration when Brian suddenly stood up.


Brian thrust his hips toward Justin, "Take mine off."

Justin stopped jacking himself and rubbed both hands up along Brian's jean-clad thighs. He squeezed Brian's ass in his palms, pressing his face against Brian's crotch. Opening his mouth wide, salivating, he sucked heartily on the worn cotton crotch.

Brian's erection pressed against his zipper. He felt Justin's spit soak through the jeans onto his cock, hand reaching inside Brian's jeans, holding his cock gently, protecting it from the zipper as he pulled it down.

Justin laughed triumphantly at the sight before him. "I'm not the only slut around here."


Brian petted Justin's head playfully. "I never said you were, Sunshine."

"Dirty slut Brian." Justin mumbled against Brian's cock, licking it once more.

He laid Brian's cock and balls against the cold zipper and pushed Brian's t-shirt out of his waistband. Justin swirled his tongue around Brian's belly button and traced a wet path across his hipbones. He licked every place Brian's crotch was exposed, and dug his tongue into places it wasn't.

Shivers zapped up and down Brian’s spine as Justin’s tongue probed into his piss slit, scooping his precum out. "Get on your knees," Brian ordered, mouth watering.


Justin slunk to the floor and turned his body so his torso rested against the couch cushions. His body shivered as he felt Brian crawl between his legs.

Brian pulled Justin's shirt up and removed it from his body. He molded his mostly-clothed body against Justin's bare skin. His exposed cock dripped precum against the small of Justin's back.
Swabbing his tongue around Justin's ear, he whispered, "You want me to fuck you like this?"

Justin loved the feel of the rough jean fabric against his sensitive, sex-sensitized skin. He ground back, but surprising Brian, he answered, "No."


"I want you to rim me." Justin clarified when he felt a sigh escape Brian's lips and ghost across his cheek.

Brian separated himself from Justin's body and sat back on his heels. "That I can do Sunsh…shit!"

Justin whipped his head around. "What?" he asked, worriedly.

"Uhm…." Brian ran his hands down along the sides of Justin's hips and down his spread thighs.

"What Brian?" Justin asked, craning his neck to look. "You're freaking me out! Did you scratch me with the zipper on your jeans or something?"

Brian always believed bluntness was best. "You have a huge pimple."


Justin sighed in relief. "Shut up Brian!"

Brian realized the jeans had irritated Justin's skin and he wished he were joking. Quickly, he pushed at the blemish with his fingertip.

"Ouch! What the fuck?" Justin yelped.

"That was your pimple." Brian took his hands away from Justin's body. He stared at Justin's upturned ass, silently debating what do.

Justin growled dramatically, "You asshole!"

He turned around and stood up, "I was looking forward to you rimming me but if my ass is too ugly for you to eat..."

Brian grabbed Justin's wrist, stopping him, "I'm still going to rim you."


Justin screamed into the denim Brian stuffed into his mouth.

Brian curved his tongue up and then down, gliding it around the inner rim of Justin’s hole. He took a break from licking, still keeping Justin’s cheeks spread apart. He leaned back to look at Justin.

“More,” Justin begged. The word was barely heard through the fabric.

“You slut,” Brian hissed. “You like sucking on the crotch of your jeans.”

Justin tasted his flavor on his tongue as he sucked more of the material.

“Does it taste good?” Brian asked.


Brian groaned and started to lick Justin’s ass again.


Brian held Justin’s cheeks apart and watched, fascinated at the sight of Justin’s hole spreading around his cock.

Justin clenched Brian’s knees, jeans bunching in his grip. He slowly lowered his ass down onto Brian’s cock. Inch by inch, the initial sting turned to fulfilling pleasure. Once he had the dick completely inside him he tested his limits and ground his ass around on Brian’s groin. The movement stretched his hole and caused his stomach to ache for more. Justin always wanted more of Brian, even if he had every inch possible.

Brian pushed Justin’s ass, encouraging him. “Ride me.”


Brian couldn’t tear his eyes away from where Justin’s body swallowed his cock. Every movement Justin’s tight hole made around him, Brian’s eyes committed into memory.

Justin adjusted his slow ride of Brian’s dick to a fast rhythm when he felt Brian’s hips thrust up and swivel. Sweat dripped down his back, and his ass burned. The zipper of Brian’s jeans dug into his skin on every thrust down onto his cock.

Brian placed one of his fingers beside his cock as Justin moved up. It slipped inside the tight warmth of Justin’s body as he slid down once again.


“Fuck. That was so hot.”

“You’re welcome slut,” Justin laughed as he stood up from Brian’s lap.

Brian slowly stood up and skimmed off the full condom. Even though Justin had done most of the work he felt as though he’d ran a mile.

“Christ, my ass hurts.” Justin winced as he walked towards the bathroom. “Take off those jeans and come get in the shower with me.”

Brian looked down at his pants. He ran his fingers through the come Justin sprayed upon them. He licked his fingers and slid the pants from his body, tossing them beside Justin’s.


“Woah! That’s definitely the craziest place I’ve ever been at once.”

“I’ve been there before. Though this was the first time, he kissed me like that. I hope he’s not going to wash me for awhile.”

“I’ll probably be sent to the dry cleaner’s tomorrow.”

“That sucks. I’ll probably be put in a pile and he’ll forget I’m dirty and wear me again.”

“I hadn’t had the opportunity to taste your man before. He really is sweet.”

“Yeah. You even got to taste his ass this time.”

“I’m a lucky pair of jeans.”

“Yeah you are. Believe me, I know.”

8========> Yeah all the 13 condoms went to Justin too, and he won, not that you care or anything. :)

bjfic, no time line, qafdrabbles, the fabric of our lives, prompt: jeans

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