First Shift

Mar 03, 2004 14:36

Last night went better than I expected. Although there were a couple of people kicking off on each other in the background, the regulars around the bar were (mostly) friendly.

They told me there was often a lot of trouble there but that all the regulars know each other & look after each other & the bar staff when stuff happens. Great! I think..

Still, apart from one guy asking me "Is that a haircut or did you have an accident?!" And the sister of the girl I replaced (who is now barred..) having a bit of a strop because I apparently put her drink in the wrong glass.. everything was peachy :-)

The landlord said he was happy with the way I'd worked, and asked if I could work Thursday night. I said "Does this mean I've got the job then?" And he said "If you want it, yes." He said I could start off part-time, then if I wanted, go up to 20-30 hours a week! Hurrah!! The guy must be crazy - I am doped up to the eyeballs on medication - still, if he's happy I'm happy! :-D

Am off to Dev tonight, along with the beautiful allezbleu and missyk8. However, as of yet the zombie pills of doom are not relenting, so may end up in bed with cups of tea again instead - bah!
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