Made-up. Make-up.

Apr 30, 2005 03:13

Questions of the day follow -

From the Notebooks of Matte Laurids Brigge (Rilke):

We discover, indeed, that we do not know our part, we look for a mirror, we want to rub off the makeup and remove the counterfeit and be real. But somewhere a bit of mummery still sticks to us that we forget. A track of exaggeration remains in our eyebrows, we do not notice that the corners of our lips are twisted. And thus we go about, a laughing-stock, a mere half-thing: neither existing, nor actors.

We've in the past discussed celebrities dating other celebrities for publicity's sake, but what about you?

If you were a celebrity would you take part in a PR relationship? If yes, for what reasons? If no, why not?And if willing, how far would you take it (a few dates? a six month commitment?)? What would you do to make it seem "real"?

If you did engage in a PR relationship - "no's" please answer too - do you think the experience would change you (as in the above quote Brigge forgets a bit of fakeness which then becomes part of his appearance, and by extension himself)? How do you think it would change you?

NB: This is a Public post. I don't think anyone but my Friended people read this journal, but if you're a Friend, want to answer but feel uncomfortable with the openness, please let me know, and I will Friend Lock it.
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