A meme I stole from
everywhereto_me who took it from
majox so. Here we go.
1-Elaborate on your default icon.
Chuck fans support the Strike. I thought that was kind of self explainitory.
2-What's your current relationship status?
3-Ever have a near-death experience?
4-Name an obvious quality you have.
Way too much curiosity.
5-What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
I'm not sure what it's called. It might be called, Let the Good times Roll.
6-Any celeb you would marry?
Too many to count.
7-Who will cut and paste this first?
Don't know, Don't care, I just love meme's.
8-Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
9-Do you wear a watch? What kind?
Yeah, it's a bright, multicolor Swatch.
10-Do you have anything pierced?
Just two holes in my ears.
11-Do you have any tattoos?
I want one, but I can't decide what to get.
12-Do you like pain?
Find me someone who does and I'll buy you a car.
13-Do you like to shop?
Only when I need things.
14-What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
Tickets for the school play.
15-What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card?
Don't have one, I just use my mom's to shop online. *shifty eyes*
16-Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Miss Pat when I took a message for my mom.
17-What is on your desktop background?
A nano one to remind me how far behind I am.
18-What is the background on your cell phone?
One of the defalt ones, cause I can't get pictures on it.
19-Do you like redheads?
Yeah, I'm strawberry blonde, so not liking them would be kind of hypocritical.
20-Do you know any twins?
No. Oh, wait, there's one set in my class, but I'm not really friends with me.
21-Do you have any weird relatives?
Two crazy uncles and an aunt. (Hi Annt Lora Jane)
22-What was the last movie you watched?
Nightmare Before Christmas in Digital Disney 3D.
23-What was the last book you read?
Girl Sluth about Nancy Drew.
24-Is there such a thing as love at first sight, or it is more likely to be "lust at first sight"?
I think love is a complicated thing that can't just happen at first sight.
25-What's your favourite book?
At the moment, Twilight, but that's subject to change.
26-When was the last time you visited the street where you first lived?
Last summer, my parents had a little blast from the past driving throught thier old neighborhoods.
27-When was the last time you googled your own name?
It was a while ago. There's a model with my same name... she might actually be a porn star, I didn't click on the website. What's more fun it to search your screennames.
28-What was is your favourite subject at school?
The one I'm in right now, Web Design.
29-What was is your least favourite subject at school?
30-Do you like having your photograph taken?
Yes, it's fun.
31-What time were you born?
I don't know.
32-Ever seriously questioned your sanity?
Every single day!
33-How many phone numbers do you have remembered and can say off the top of your head?
Like two or three. I would die if I lost me phone.
34-Can you Limbo?
Not well.
35-Have you ever killed your own dinner?
No, I wouldn't be able to eat it.
36-How long have you been living at your current residence?
5 years. It's a record.
37-What phobias do you have?
Arachnaphobia- fear of spiders. It is so severe. I can't look at a picture, can't deal with animated spiders.
And I'm terrified of oompah-loompahs from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...
38-What's your ideal breakfast?
Everything bagel with cream cheese, still warm from the oven.
39-Where are you right now?
The computer Room at school. I should be working. Stare in awe at my awsome powers o procrastination.
40-Why do you blog?
For fun. For something to do. To rant about tv and actually get a responce which is great compared to jumping around the kitchen and getting blank stares from my family... what are you talking about, I never jump around the kitchen, and I definatly didn't at the end of the NCIS fanalie last year.
41-What would you call your autobiography?
I have no idea.
42-What's the longest time you've stayed out of the country/where?
A week in mexico, and then a week in burmuda. It's a tie.
43-Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc..?
I have aim, but I nver use it. Seriously, when I'm online I don't want to be bugged, I'm doing something, go away. If you must contact me email me or txt me.
44-Do you have nightmares frequently?
No, just really weird dreams.
45-If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Yeah... Then again I'm assuming that my alternate personality is very similar to the one I have now.
46-Which TV character could you be friends with?
Abby Scutio.
47- What's on your mouse pad?
There isn't one on this computer.
48- What is your ring tone?
One of the defult ones because my phone sucks like that.
49. What did you watch on TV last night?
Chuck, then I did my math homework during Heroes.
50. Scary movies or happy endings?
Hopeful endings.