May 13, 2009 20:06
Such random things today I shall have to number them.
1.) I was on the way home from school today when I saw this girl looking at me. She looked vaguely familiar. I was looking at her and she was looking at me. We both knew we had seen each other before, but neither of us could think of where. Finally she remembered. She was the one who gave me a random hug last week at the bus stop. So we talk. She goes to one of the schools I considered going to when we were transferring, but didn't because they were going to be too strict on the transition. She was saying how she hates it because she has to find a bunch of service hours and if she doesn't soon she's screwed. When she got off the bus she said over her shoulder, "Bye pretty lady." It wasn't until just then that I realized I didn't even know her name. I hope I see her again, she's cool
2.) Founders Night. And the overall weirdness of my school, but mostly founders night. Founders Night is tomorrow and it's the concert night for music things in school. It's the thing I spent way too long looking for a black shirt for yesterday. I'm actually really excited about Founders Night even though James tells me not to be. The only thing I'm mad about is how I won't be able to see the choir. But I have art projects. And singing. And James says he has a bow tie with the F clef on it which is ironic because he plays cello.
3.) I found out my art blocks for next year. I'm kind of excited. I have Sewing and Design which my friend Taylor is really excited about, Modern Art (meh), Metal arts which should be interesting, and Senior play. Which brings me perfectly to...
4.) Senior Play. And the overall weirdness of my school. The Senior class as a whole does a play at the end of the year. I'm kind of excited because my class is small enough so that it's actually going to be fun whereas this years class is kind of big and their play is just going to be one big blob of chaos. Though I suppose based on the amount of time given for rehearsing it will be a well rehearsed blob of chaos. Still excited about my play most of all.