‘Tis the Season prompt suggestions are now closed; a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who participated by suggesting prompts;
they look awesome!
‘Tis the Season prompt table has been added to the list of links at the side of
morethanacandle and will remain there for the time that ‘Tis the Season will be running which,
thanks to your votes, will be running as it did last year: for the month rather than a few days!
the prompt table: the prompts will only need one story to be considered completed. When each prompt is completed, instead of text to indicate it’s been filled, there will be an icon which will link to the story; what this icon will be? I’ve not yet determined. on the subject of icons, that icon filling the prompts on
the ‘Tis the Season prompt table will be used for stories that don’t have appropriate icons.
And that’s it! Leave any questions below!