Update: Prompt tables & a poll!

Oct 15, 2011 06:27

Gosh, it’s been a while since I wrote one of these!

The sixth (6th) prompt table is up and away; I’m going to miss the fifth (5th) table, though: a lot of fun was had in the writing to fill it!

I’ve also just realised I’ve not written any Star Wars for approximately three and a half months (I know it’s been definitely three). Wow. That’s the longest time I’ve gone without writing Star Wars (not including that year long hiatus I had to take)! Again: wow.

It’s coming up to that time of year: ‘Tis the Season. What I’d love to know is this: has everyone been enjoying it running all December?

Let me know by answering in the poll below:
Poll 'Tis the Season

Please let me know by the end of this month; I’d like to have an idea by then of whether it’s all month or simply some of the month.

Thanks so much in advance!

admin: update, admin: poll

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