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Aug 13, 2010 09:42

An update to my computer drama? Madness!

So, on the Monday after my sad post of sad, I called Alienware tech support. Turns out, they could fix Mercykiller! Hooray! Even better, it cost me nothing because it was a manufacturing error. Hooray again! So I packed poor Mercykiller up in the box he came in, and sent him off to Alienware for maintenance. So now he's been to Orlando, Florida!

I was supposed to get him back on Wednesday, but the geniuses at FedEx showed up in the one-hour window where nobody was in the house. Thanks, guys. So my mom and I sat at home yesterday and watched an episode of Buffy until my dad got off work and came home. Mercykiller showed up at about 4 or so, and I unpacked him around 5. Good as new! The only thing I'm disappointed about is that when they replaced the cover, they used the flat Ripley design rather than the ridged Skullhead I'd originally had on him. BUT I didn't have put any of my data back on and we all had a good WTF trying to figure out the nationality of the guy that worked on Mercykiller, Vladimir Castillo. Any thoughts, Internetland?

The real fun was turning Mercykiller on and seeing that the light display had changed. The only I could say is "... Why are you pink?!"

The second part of this saga is that I went ahead and sunk about $2800 into getting another system. It has more warranty and virus protection, and the new Windows 7 OS. His name will be Harmonium (in keeping with the 'Planescape faction computer names' theme I have going), and he shall be Mercykiller's little brother... whenever he happens to show up. Yeah, apparently they haven't built it yet, even though I ordered the same day that I shipped Mercykiller off. I blame Dell for this SNAFU.


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