Now taking requests for War for Cybertron Icons

Jul 19, 2010 18:30

Okay, so. I don't know if anyone else has been iconing for this yet, so I thought I'd throw up a post for this.

I have the PC version of War For Cybertron (which, if you don't have it, you need to go out and buy it and play it RIGHT FREAKING NOW). I was also recently turned on to a need from my fellow fangeeks. Everyone is having problems finding icons of WFC characters, oh noes D:! So, I'm going to try to rectify this.

I will be iconing from War for Cybertron on a request basis. You want icons of a certain campaign character? Comment here, and I'll get a list and start making 100x100 bases for you favs. These will probably be a combination of concept art, profile art, gameplay shots, and cinematics from the game. And if you want an icon of some part of the landscape (Iacon/Kaon/Cybertron's interior/etc.) or other environmental elements (Dark Energon, the Energon worms) I can bang something out from Concept art or possibly screenshots for you. These will just be plain bases, nothing fancy, though there might be minor edits to account for brightness. A few examples of these can be found here for Breakdown. As a rule, if I can, I will try to get at least one shot per requested character of said character 'jacking in' to a turret or similar equipment.

You are welcome to request the fliers. However, I'm unsure how well I will be able to icon them from the game itself. I'm kind of terrible at those levels. At the very least, I would try to get shots of them in alt mode, flying and turboboosting. ANOTHER however, I won't be doing Starscream. He has a gazillion icons already.

I will, under no circumstances, be iconing from the final boss battle. I just won't do it, dudes; playing it was impossible enough the first time, and I was on the easy setting for crying out loud. On that same note, the Decepticon's final boss is a hectic fight; any shots of that dude will come from previous levels or the one Autobot level he's in.

Melee weapons would be exceedingly difficult. Aside from Optimus's axe and the trailer shots of Megatron's impressive mace, we don't get to see the melee weapons unless we are (you guessed it) beating someone to death with them. Same thing goes for most of the cooldown and Energon abilities, though I can try to get shots of characters using Shockwave, Whirlwind, and Dash, maybe.

You folks have the easiest job in the world. You come to this entry and leave a comment asking for characters. See? Simple! And if you know anyone else needing some WFC icons, you send them here to do the same :D So sally forth and ask me for icons!

iconnage, helpful jayde is helpful, art, transformers

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