I've let it simmer too long, I tried to hold back. But the amount of wanton (no not the chinese noodle) ignorance is just too much for me to bear. I have to say something, and I know I can't get on a soap-box and say it in person because people will just raise their voice higher than mine thinking it proves their point. No moron, just because you speak louder than me doesn't mean you're right. Shut up and listen because I'm annoyed. I write it out here because I can say what I need to say without being interrupted; plus you have no choice but to read it. That or stop, which in that case, continue on with your ignorance.
Will this make me enemies? Maybe. Should it? No, and I'll tell you why. This country has a little thing called the Constitution, and within that Constitution there is a nifty little portion called the Bill of Rights which allows me to say what I damn well please. Just like you enjoy spouting off about your Second Amendment rights to bear arms, I'm spouting off that I can say what I damn well please. We both stand by our constitution, it is the supreme law of the land, characterizing our nation. You that so holds the other amendment so high, so much that no one can say anything about it, I hold my freedom of speech very high. How you anger when someone says guns should be banned, I anger when you tell me that I cannot say and think what I say and think. Because of this, you, should not be angry for what I will say, just like I do not anger that you own guns, you should not anger that I may disagree with you. This isn't to say that I disagree with the Second Amendment, because I do. I think the right to bear arms is an important one, but is is a poignant example which I think gets my point across.
I was perusing some internet material when I came across a phrase that said something along the lines of: "Hahaha You Decomcrats lost, you and your communist propaganda. Get the hell out of here, you're ruining our country. Take your lies and falsities elsewhere."
That pissed me off, and no it's not because I might be a democrat (see FAQs as to why I won't divulge this informatiom) it's because the amazing amount of closed-minded ignorance and intolerence was staggering. Let's decipher this gem.
"You Democrats lost"
Guess what moron, not everyone who voted for Kerry and Nader for that matter were Democrats. Many republicans voted Kerry as well. To say that the Democrats were the ones to lose is ignorant and closed minded. That is like voting just based on your party affiliation. Which if you do, you're a moron and shouldn't vote just because you're a waste of a brain. The Democrats didn't lose, the people who voted for Kerry lost.
But on behalf of those that lost, including alot of people in the world, take this message to heart:
We're Sorry . Funny how most of the world gasped in disbelief and utterable horror when our current commander and chief was re-elected. Just a little insight, in a poll taken across the world based on standardized IQ tests, Twenty-three major counties scored above the United States. Take that piece of information as you will.
"You and Your communist propaganda"
No, idiot, you're the communist and you're the empirialist. You're the intolerant dictator. You know why? Because Communists believe in one way of life, one mode, one ruler, and anything else is wrong. Similarly, so did Saddam Hussein's former rule; you did what he said or you were offed. Osama Bin Laden believed in such things as well, Allah is all, if you are not within the ways of Allah you are infidel. Why do I call you a communist? Why do I call you an empirialist, why an intolerant dictator? Becuase you, yes you oh believer of the constitution and its freedoms, ostracize anyone who believes in things different than you. You criticize them for their believes and rule them out automatically as wrong, you tell them they're stupid and ignorant, and tune out and raise your voices in babbling disdain when they try to justify their stance. You're intolerant because no other belief system is allowed according to you, if someone is something other than republican they are apparently communist, and should be sent to Russia or Cuba. Right? Right? You even go on to say that those who do not subscribe to your thought process are unpatriotic and should be drafted and forced to serve in the army. I have even so far as heard several of you say you want to have a Democrat slave so you can toture him and beat them until they realize they are wrong, then beat them some more. What! Torture?! You are the Taliban itself! You, oh righteous caller of freedom are nothing but a hidden smasher of it, you oh caller of patriotic anthems are secretly changing the words to fit your agenda. You oh supporter of the constitution fight to have its pages folded in your pockets with an eraser in your hand. You know what? Jihad on you. Jihad on you for your ignorance, Jihad on you for your wanton pompousnes, Jihad on you for your intolerance, Jihad on you for punishing those who excercize the freedoms which you so adamantly say you protect, Jihad on you. Jihad on me for allowing this to pass through my eyes and ears and not saying anything. You're the terrorist of this nation.
"Get the hell out of here, you're ruining out country"
Excuse me? Are you saying that those who wish to excercize their God given right to free will and their constitutional right to chose their president are ruining our country? Are you saying that your way is the be all of this society and its government? No, you're ruining the country, with your intolerance to the things given to us by the Supreme law of the land. Not your law of the land, not the republican law of the land; it's the SUPREME law of the land. Can you not co-exist with others who believe in things other than you? If not, you are the one that doesn't belong here. By all means, get on a boat, and paddle your ass to Antartica if you want a place where your way is the only way. I can co-exist with you, can you co-exist with me without wanting to have me as your torture toy, without looking down on me for my thoughts and opinions?
"Take your falsities elsewhere"
When I read this last piece I laughed. I am sorry guys, but those who don't have their heads in their asses and actually read, research and study things other than FOX News know that the republican party is notorious for falsities, half-truths, and propaganda. Other political parties do the same, I know this. And I'm not excusing it, but to single out one party and saying that a whole presidential campaign was based on falsities is just ludicrous. You say Kerry killed innocent people while in Vietname according to Swift Boat Veterans, and many people believe this, because no one cared to research enough to know that these Swift Boat Veterans, where in a different regiment than Kerry and on the other side of the country, they had never even met Kerry. You say Kerry's wife is friends with Fidel Castro. What the hell? Do you have any proof?! What would Kerry's wife have to do with Castro. She has to do with Castro because it was a sly ploy by the party to quickly grab the Cuban vote because Cubans hate Castro and anyone associated with him is automatically communist. So I suppose 80% of Africa is communist too because they deal with Castro when he sends them Doctors. I could go on, but why? You're probably just bad mouthing me and saying im a communist hipee.
I can live with you, I do not mind your difference of opinion, as long as you respect my difference of opinion. When you try to punish me for that difference, than you are no better than the Axis of Evil. You become the Axis of Evil. You, moron, are the terrorist. Jihad on you.
To end this spiel: This Editorial was not intended at a particular person, if there are similarities to someone I know in my day to day life or even online; it is purely coincedental. All the examples I used were used because they were the best I could come up with, not because I was indirectly making a jab at someone. The opinions expressed are my own and not of anyone elses. If you wish to comment, do so in a tasteful and eloquent manner leaving me proper identification so I know who Im speaking to. Anonymous users who do not leave identification will be erased.
This has been MordantPuck, standing on his internet soapbox, imploring everyone to think, read, and make insightful decision rather than brash uneducated ones.