Jan 06, 2005 20:09
It's been a while since I posted anything, but quite frankly I needed a break. Half-way through December, and after my finals I felt it would be better to just begin anew once January rolled around. I then began thinking of several things I could write about; I could of written about certain ignorant republicans and democrats I've come across recently. But as much as I would love to tear these idiots a new asshole for their close-minded ignorant babble which they try to pull off as intelligent commentary, I decided politics has become a cliche topic and would rather shy away from it. I then began thinking about writing another advice editorial that some of my readers have requested, but I've written too many of those in a short period of time.
Then I had a stroke of brilliance. Through the Year or so that I've had this journal/editorial I've been asked a myriad of questions. So without further ado:
MordantPuck's FAQs
1) What does your name mean and where did you get it?
My old LiveJournal name used to be Trelian. But to discourage several readers from continuing their patronage to my journal I changed my name to MordantPuck. Mordant means Sarcastic, which if you've read my pieces, you can see there is an overall caustic tone to them. Puck, on the other hand is where I think most people get confused. "Puck? What does Puck mean?" I swear the second people see a compound word they flip-out and their brain shuts down. Puck my dear friends is one of the catalyst (www.dictionary.com) character of Shakespear's A Mid-Summer Night's Dream. How did I get it? Creativity, seriously, I just sat at my desk for a few minutes and came up with it.
2) Most people use LiveJournal to write about their lives, why don't you?
In my old LiveJournal I did, alot. But as many of my fellow LiveJournal users have experienced, people tend to use the information you altruistically place on this forum for their own gain. Quite frankly I don't need complete strangers knowing about my comings and goings. My life isn't movie worthy, nor is it novel worhy, believe me I'm sparing you from boredom. For my life-journal to even appeal to any sort of audience I'd need to add Circus Monkeys, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Iraqi Suicide Bombers, The GreenHouse Effect, Pine-Apples, Raging Ex-girlfriends, Straight up thug-gansta rapper war, Drama Queens, Beetles, WoW, Midgets and Rice Farmers who are secretly ninjas. Yet I still write because I am very opinionated, but opinionated based on facts and knowledge. Not intuition and what MTV tells me I should think. I feel that I can shed light on certain topics and present overly-complex events and theories in a humorous but informative fashion. From Dating Advice, to the Socialogical idiosyncracies to politics; I try to cover as much as I can given I have enough to write about.
3) What is the point of your journal?
I always get a kick out of this question because I only spell out the answer for everyone to see at the end of 90% of my articles. But let me run this by everyone again: I, MordantPuck write this journal to encourage people to learn, to break the mold of social confines, to gain knowledge and to make educated decisions based on facts and understanding rather than following some status-quo. I have a message, and that message is for everyone to become better people by any means neccesary, and in turn make our lives a bit easier; and while I am at it, provide you with some laughs. Like I try to encourage, think for yourselves.
4) Why don't you ever put any personal information?
Like I said, I used to before, but people tried to use that information to my disadvantage. This journal doesn't make me any money, it is purely for my enjoyment that you the audience gets to read something humorous and at the same time enlightening. In terms of why I never post my religious or political views, the purpose of this site is not to spawn arguments on whether my faith or political views are right or wrong. If you don't like my opinions, don't read. My political leanings and what faith I believe in is irrelevant to what I'm writing about. Furthermore, I will NEVER speak of what my religious views are, my political stance is, or lack thereof. The most you will get out of me is that I live in Miami, and that I go to the University of Miami. You will not hear me talk about a girlfriend because I wouldn't want whoever my significant other is to be a target because of what I write. And if I do mention my family is it vaguely, no names will be given. I hold some-internet anonymity very seriously.
5) Can I ask you for advice?
If I had a dollar each time someone asked me for advice I could retire. So many people ask me for advice and confide in me their problems I sometimes feel like a shrink. Even though I am more than happy to help people, I only ask one thing: If you're going to ask me for advice, take the advice. If you don't take the advice, don't come to me asking for advice because you screwed up for not listening to me. I hate how people will come to me for advice, then I tell them to do "solution Y" they go and do "solution X" then come to me and say "I can't believe how everything turned out so wrong." I swear next person who does that gets a pillow-case full of door-knobs to the face.
6) Omg you're so jaded with life and relationships!!11!1one
7) You have such a horrible outlook on relationships and love.
I get a kick when people tell me this, because it's usually some six-teen year old girl, or older but with the mentality of a sixteen year old; who still writes "I Luv ::insert moron:: 4 eva" on their nootbooks. Please, learn alittle about life and get away from this ridiculous Urban style life everyone has been subscribing to, then talk to me. Until then, you're nothing but comic material for me.
8) You're purposefully ignorant because you bashed
Example: I wrote on a message board that Techno sucks, the person who responded then told me that I was purposefully ignorant because it's no longer called Techno anymore and because I don't like it. ::Blink Blink:: Are you kidding me? So let me get this straight, I'm purposefully ignorant because a genre of music which at one point I researched in-depth changed names and I don't hear about it? Please. I did my research, alot of it, and concluded that Techno is crap. You can call it all you want, Electronic, House, Dance, Industrial, etc etc etc. It's still crap and requires very little talent to produc. And yes, I have produced several Techno songs myself. So I'm not purposefully ignorant, I just despise the genre and don't keep up to date with a music that is so garbage it needs to change its name every year.
9) Why do you promote Dictionary.com so much?
Because I want to encourage people to look up uncommonly used words and try to install them into their vocabulary.
10) You're arrogant.
::Shrug:: I am actually quite humble, and the fact of the matter is I don't have to justify myself to anyone except my family, and intimate friends. If you don't like me, don't read.
11) Why don't you let Anonymous people write in your discussions?
I do, as long as they leave some specific Identification. If you're just anonymous and want to bash what I have to say, I would only respect that if you have the decency to write who you are rather than hide behind your computer. So if you don't have a LiveJournal account and want to write, then by all means write, just please leave some form of specific understandable identification that I can refer back to later. Even if it's to compliment what I wrote, I really appreciate knowing who is writing.
12) Write about ::Insert Topic here::
I always have an open mind to new topics, but I will only write those which I personally have a strong opinion about. Sure you can tell me you want to see an article comparing The New Mustang to an old Corvette, but quite honestly I couldn't care less; and thus won't write about it. But if you do care enough, I always encourage people to write their own articles and I can have them as a guest writer. So if you have a topic you want to write about, than by all means let me have it.
That's it, the top twelve questions I've received in 2004. If you have any other questions for me just post them in the comments.
As for what's in store for 2005, I already have some articles lined up and as the weeks go by I will be churning out some more goodness for everyone to savor.
This has been MordantPuck, answering the hard hitting questions that make Bill O'Reilly pee his pants and cry like a baby.