May 11, 2031 15:10
I have a faily spam-ridden secondary Yahoo account. It's the one I use to sign up to read registration-only online content, post comments to sites that require an email addy, look at lists I don't post to much and so on. As you might imagine, it's pretty well-supplied with offers to enlarge my mmEmber, furnish me with Cheapp ROLLEXs and Hhot MILF Actionn, or Confirm Seccuritty Detials of accounts with banks I've never banked at. Even so, I was pretty furious when I started getting spam apparently from Jenny McCarthy's dismal Generation Rescue organisation.
Regular readers will know where I stand on "curing" autism, and also my opinion of people who want to allow children to perish from, or be horribly damaged by, completely preventable diseases, based on cock-a-mamie theories and fraudulent, repeatedly debunked research. An organisation supporting both basically makes me Hulk out and break stuff, so there's no way I would have voluntarily signed up for their drivel. Which means that either a) some anti-vax/curbie trollmuppet signed me up just to rattle my cage, or b) Generation Let Your Kid Die Of Measles harvest emails for spam.
So after I had said a few things to the uncaring sky regarding Ms. McCarthy and her bloody awful organisation, I blocked the thought no more about it. Until a few days later, when I noticed that I was still getting email from Jenny McWhoopingcough and Generation Mumps Has Gone Up By 300% Well Done Arseholes. This time, it was coming from
Yes, that's right. Not only is Generation Polio harvesting and spamming email accounts with their ludicrous garbage, if you try and block their effluent from your inbox they will simply re-register you with an alternate email address.
Dammit I am peeved. And by peeved I mean HULK SMAAAAASH.