
Dec 29, 2014 20:09

I did not excercise today. I have gotten into the routine of getting up early but not getting on the tredmill. Even though excercise is 20% of weight loss it feels like way more. I feel so far away from that aspect of health. I caved and had choco pasas and a semi unhealthy club sandwich. Total of 1184 calories roughly which is over what I wanted. I feel full and was not hungry when I had dinner but rather ate because I knew I had to and the quesadilla and choco pasas I had were consumed in binge mode. I feel overwhelmed by the idea of dieting. It feels like there are so many choices and so many things to restrict. It makes me feel trapped. But I guess in reality I am gaining freedom through discipline. By not letting desires and whims of eating take over my life and being able to control that. That is freedom. I WILL GET ON THE TREDMILL TOMORROW
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