Happy Days...

Jun 25, 2009 13:22

So, I drove to work today in the death trap of a VW Polo that I had rented. I say death trap only because I suck at driving stick. I was stopped on a hill in Soignies and someone stopped really close to me. I was so nervous/anxious when the car started rolling backwards after I let go of the break that I stomped on the gas, revved the engine up really high and ended up squealing the tires before I actually started going. I didn't stall though ;-)

Because of all that, I was eternally grateful when I found out that my car had arrived today. I went over to the vehicle processing center and picked it up. It was nice and clean but had next to no gas. I ended up stopping and putting 10 euro worth of diesel in the vehicle to get up to about a quarter of a tank. After that, I drove home in comfort!! The only thing that got me was the type of diesel. I can't really tell if the diesel they sell here is ultra-low sulfer or not. I think it's 10 parts per million (ppm) here, where the standard in the states is 15ppm. If that's the case, I don't know if it's better for my vehicle or not.

My household goods are scheduled to arrive on the first, and I managed to get a four day pass for my birthday on the second until the fifth of July. I think there's some big festival going on where I work, so I may take the kids there during the fourth of July. Other than that, I think a few outings to the woods besides unpacking and getting the house ready will round out the weekend.

Take care everyone.
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