I have the cards ready

Dec 05, 2008 21:49

Originally published at Morbid Romantic. You can comment here or there.

Being that I am broke this season, most of my friends will be getting just cards. I hate being this broke but I tell myself that these hard times never last forever. They just seem like they were will never end. I plan on sending some gifts out after the holidays when money is a little better, but it’s the least I can do now to send cards. That won’t break my very depressingly small bank account. And it’s good to feel a little of the holiday season, even if it’s just by standing in the post office line for half an hour waiting to get the right stamps.

I have my envelops labeled. Now it’s just a matter of taking each envelope and writing a personalized card to each person. I’ll do it one at a time. Pull an envelope from the list and then a card, look at the name on the envelope and write a note. Stuff, lick, seal and put in the done pile.

It’s my little system.

I went and checked my PO Box today and I had three cards waiting for me.
Now that’s something nice to get up for. I need to make some sort of a place to put them. I currently have no empty available counter top to put my cards on. I’ll come up to something; I always do.

Maybe I’ll also wrap the presents I COULD afford this weekend and get them ready to take to my sister’s house. I won’t be able to buy anything else for anyone… but at least I got something for the family! My sister and I want to get my mother a plane ticket, but I have so little money right now that I can’t do that. It’ll take me a while to save up. Then again, if she wants to buy it and let me pay her back for the half of it that is my responsibility, that would be great. I am just crossing my fingers that she’ll give me enough to pay my rent every month. I guess any little bit will help. If I have to hand over every dollar that I make to pay my way, that is just how it is. Sometimes you have to live hand to mouth and you can’t afford to save or splurge.

What’s the point of having a college degree when no place is hiring!? Let me tell you guys something: the job market sucks and you can study for years and years to be the most qualified worker out there, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to find a job. I’m so totally jaded by it all. I have skills. I have qualifications. I have a really good brain and a lot to offer a company or school, yet I can’t find a job to save my life.

I am going to keep sending my resume out. I am going to keep applying and looking (and hoping I’ll make enough each month to pay my bills/rent). I can’t give up, as much as I would like to. Everyone’s break comes sooner or later. Eventually, lucks turns. God, I hope.

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