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You know when you live in an apartment complex that you’re pretty much subject to the conditions of the people around you. What I mean is that when they move in, if they carry bugs with them, they will infect your home, too.
Well, someone must have just moved in with a very large infestation because I have been killing bugs ALL day since last night. The first one I saw was on my computer desk, then a few hours later one was on one of my packed boxes, then one in the kitchen, and finally the last one in the bathroom. I am getting so tired of them. I’m also worried that they will crawl into my boxes and come with me when I move. I don’t want to take someone elses bugs with me! It’s just gross. It’s not hard to bug bomb right before you move. Do it and then clean everything as you pack it. Why take bugs with you when you settle into a new place, anyway?
I guess, too, the bugs are looking for new homes because there have been a rash of people moving out of the complex lately. Why? HUD, of course. This place used to be a quiet complex of teachers and old women. Now, as more people move in thanks to HUD, the parking lots constantly have people’s trash in them (you know, discarded cups and bottles and banana peels), a few people here never bother to open the big trash can to put their trash in it and only leave their junk around it, rap music wakes me up in the middle of the night as heavy bass shakes my windows, people scream and have loud lawn parties at 2am, and more. I don’t know why the complex does nothing!
Thank GOD I am leaving this trash dump.