Here comes the rain again <3

Aug 21, 2011 19:20

(I love this icon ^^ )

I'm doing that 'nesting' thing again. God. As if it weren't bad enough that I have just insufferable amounts of guilt about pretty much everything, then I have to go and do something about it. e_e Jeez.

I'm burning through free books on my Kindle very quickly - either I'm reading them way too fast because I love them, or they disappoint me horribly and I get to leave whiny reviews on Amazon. :D Bad writing should come clearly labeled ahead of time. >_>;;

Speaking of bad writing, I'm still editing. And editing. And editing.

I've taken time off Motke and have moved to a formal edit of Chasing Sunset, which means right now I'm just taking notes on how badly I suck (and sometimes on how well I don't suck! :D ). I've learned a lot from doing editing this way - Primarily that I probably listen to too many people too early on in my writing, and I don't have the space to let it expand and grow how I feel it ought to. I think this is one of the things that has bogged me down in writing Motke over the years (oh god. 8 years and counting. ._.;;;; ).

Chasing Sunset itself reminds me of all my friends. Not because they're in the book, but because Death To Vampires is such a delightful cry. :) Qui got me into it, Uny defected to our side, Jules was a huuuuuuuge cheerleader (I miss her <3 ), Indy read the whole thing in record time, Kari was a part of the thing (I used to take her drama so personally - now I know, it was never me that sparked it. friendship should never be built on paranoia. >_>; ), and now Rachel is kind of in on it, too, just because she's so fed up with sparkly vampires. <3

It also reminds me of how badly I suck and that sometimes people tell me I'm really good at something, even if it's not true. Oh, flattery. <3 I love my overly-inflated headsize. :)

I've been reading PhD, and trying to determine if I feel like I really missed out on much in not going to college. I keep sliding back and forth through a gradient "YES! I OUGHT TO!" and ">_> but I still don't want to :( " keep chattering away in my head. e_e sigh.

Anyway. I should go back to editing. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the whole thing at this point. I love that every one of these characters is just a huge bundle of neuroses. :) It's kind of delightful and refreshing.

And it's something half-decent I can read on my Kindle for free. :)

indy, kari, chasing sunset, jules, thoughts, etc, kindle, rachel, random, rain, death to vampires, qui, uny, bruce campbell

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