(no subject)

Nov 27, 2009 21:04

Reasons to stay at my desk instead of finding something to do (in order of importance):

1) Laziness. I'm already here. Why get up? :)
2) All my CDs are down here.
3) HEY! BOOKS! :D!
4) Spider solitaire. o.o *drooling zombie of colormatching*
5) Um. Uh. Maybe I'll clean it?
6) Hey. :) My elephant!
7) Look! PONIES! :D *PLAY*
8) ... where's that bug? >_> *search for something to antagonize*
9) Rocking chair. :)
10) o_o what's on my flashdrive?
11) Ooh. :D DICE!
12) I wonder what it is about that lamp that's constantly shorting it out. Is that dangerous?
13) ... ... Make a note to clean that later... >_>;
14) .... um. *plays with blinds* :)
15) .... what are these goggles doing down here? *staer*
16) Maybe I should start laundry... ...
17) What's in THIS cabinet? :D
18) Rocking chair. X3
19) Tiny matchbox cars. :)
20) o_o well yeah it's my box, but what's /inside/ it? it could be /anything/. o_o
21) :) J. Geils Band.
22) Kaju videos. :D
23) .... um. But it's bright upstairs. >_>;
24) What's this a picture of? o_o I should do this frame sometime. >_>;
25) ... ... *play with D&D miniatures*
26) Chocolate! :D!
27) How long has that been there? o_o;
28) Windchimes! :D! TRAIN!WINDCHIMES!
29) ... ... ... Um. Yeah. I don't think I have any really actually /good/ reasons to stay at my desk. I think I'll go upstairs.




Oh right. Writing. XD *go back to it*

lists, this is your fault, :d, cleaning, books, everything's a pony, elephants are following me, things, kaju love, stuff, writing, bored, things at my desk, um?

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