Nov 26, 2009 11:44
I just made the most /adoreable/ pumpkin pie and apple pie. :) The pumpkin pie totally looks like a sunflower, since I edged it with heart!cutouts. And the apple pie is 'omgfullastars' since I cut stars in the top shell. o_o That's an idea. I wonder how well that'd work. Anyone know whether or not apples can be cut with a cookie cutter? I kinda want to make a pie that /is/ 'omg fulla stars. o_o' And we'll all be nerdy. :D It'd be great.
And then I made dog biscuits for my mom, because she's lazy (XD). And I made them be bunnies and put horribly cute ":O" and ":)" and ":(" and other faces where their heads were. :D One became a zombie!bunny, because in giving it a mouth, its whole body opened up. XD She hates when I make them bunnies, because bunnies make her think of me, and so therefore, she is feeding me to her dogs. XD I make them bunnies, just to fuck with her. :)
Obviously I am much better today. :\ What the crap, me. But I'm glad to be feeling better. :) And I'm really glad that I don't think today's going to suck at all. :) So. <3
fucking with people