I want to help America, but he doesn't want help. He thinks he's just fine... but he's miserable. America's an ass but he can be sweet, he tries but fails because he doesn't know how to communicate or deal with other people... he wants to be friends with pretty people but doesn't know how to go about it and ignores his actual allies, he's over weight and complains about it but he's really not as bad as he'd like us to think, and he's older than he looks but acts younger than he should... Yes, America is a man I would date.
A long time ago, we, as Americans, put ourselves inside a tiny clear box to keep us safe from outside forces. Thing is, not only do you need to hear the outside in order to learn anything new and in order to know if someones about to hurt you, but we also managed to forget to install a toilet in that tiny little box of ours. ...So, here we are, the Great America, sitting in our own shit, wondering why everyone hates us, when they can see us sitting there, afraid to move for fear that it only gets deeper, not realizing that if we just opened that fucking box and let the air in and the smell out, that we could step outside and clean off our shoes.
Our country needs a good flush.
They questioned a fourteen year old for what she posted on this very site. Freedom of speech, man. We're in FUCKING AMERICA! We live in a country where we aren't allowed to question our government, when in the original creation of said country, that was part of what democracy was about. If something bothers you, you are SUPPOSED to protest. America is for change and growth and freedom.
And now I'm posting, and you should post too, and If they drag us to jail for complaining about them harrassing a fourteen year old...
Then I say let them.
I'm proud to be Russian and Canadian... I want to be proud of this country too, but when I was a kid, I had their flags in my locker, not America's, and someone made me take them down. My parents complained and I wrote a letter saying a big FUCK YOU and they changed the rules after that...
but I never got those flags back.
They were those tiny flags on the black sticks you can get at party stores. Nothing huge. Nothing imposing. I was just a kid.
Fuck... and the fourteen year old... I don't like where this girl says, "They yelled at me a lot. They were unnecessarily mean" That's like fucking child abuse. She's FOURTEEN.
And her own parents said they were right to question her??? Shes' posting a new one though. Telling kids to protest. I want to find her on Myspace and add her with a message saying "I support your cause."
There were multiple "founding fathers" that said we were supposed to rebel every couple of decades. We're actually really over due, which is part of why we've moved backwards. No more slaves, but we still hate each other, no more concentration camps, but we still look down upon others, freedom but we watch it closely, equality of women but we still get beaten on occasion... I mean...
What the fuck?
The point of America was that it would be flexible and change as the human race changed. So... Let's change it.
Saints 5:42 The City Drive
The Way Things Are 4:18 Fiona Apple
Insanity (Medium Version) 4:56 Oingo Boingo
Valentine For Jesus 7:03 Women Of Sodom
Silence is Golden 3:49 Garbage
Comfortably Numb 6:24 Pink Floyd
Sallys Song 3:16 Fiona Apple
Seven 4:04 David Bowie
My Favorite Game 3:40 Cardigans
Spider 5:27 Oingo Boingo
...The ten songs Ive been listening to the most this week.
The lyrics to one of them has been hitting me in a certain way. ...I cant really explain it, but its Women of Sodom. Cynthia Von Buhler. She speaks these words so softly over Churchlike music... Very romantic in my mind.
"I really don't like the idea of the Virgin being so submissive"
it is his eyes, especially, that are terrible
they might be black holes burned into space by the death of a sun
they might be black cellars where derelicts dwell
black cellars where derelicts make their homes
they might be black pools, the blackest of black pools
how wasted he is hail mary, full of grace
he is like a thin ivory statue the lord is with thee
he might be a silvery hologram blessed art thou amongst women
I am sure that he is pure and blessed is the fruit
pure as the moon of thy womb, jesus
he is like a silver moonbeam holy mary
his flesh must be ?? mother of god
like white hot metal pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death
your body is white hail mary
white like the sheets of a virgin full of grace
onto which no flow has ever flowed the lord is with thee
your body is white blessed art thou
like the snows amongst women
that lie on the mountains and blessed is the fruit
of switzerland of thy womb, jesus
and flow into the valleys holy mary
mother of god
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death
The roses from the garden hail mary,
of the queen of england full of grace
are not so white the lord is with thee
as your body
neither the roses blessed art thou
of the queen of england amongst women
nor the breast of a woman and blessed is the fruit
nor the milk of the lactating breast of thy womb, jesus
nothing in the world holy mary
is so white mother of god
as your body pray for us sinners
allow me to touch your body now and at the hour of our death
allow me to touch your body amen
your body is hideous hail mary
allow me to touch your body full of grace
it is like the body of a rotten corpse the lord is with thee
allow me to touch your body
it is like a plaster wall blessed art thou
allow me to touch your body amongst women
where slugs have crawled and blessed is the fruit
allow me to touch your body of thy womb, jesus
like a plaster wall holy mary
where rats have nested mother of god
pray for us sinners
allow me to touch your body now and at the hour of our death
allow me to touch your body amen
your body is hideous hail mary
allow me to touch your body full of grace
it is like the body of a rotten corpse the lord is with thee
allow me to touch your body
it is like a white picket fence blessed art thou
allow me to touch your body amongst women
one full of ?? and things and blessed is the fruit
allow me to touch your body of thy womb, jesus
it is horrible holy mary
your body is horrible mother of god
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death
it is your hair I am in love with
your hair is like a cluster of grapes
a cluster of black grapes
that hang from the vines of california
in the land of californians
your hair
is like the weeping willows of the cemetery
the great willows of the cemetery
they give their shadow to the dead
and the homeless who hide by day
the long black nights
the nights when the moon does not show herself
and the stars are afraid
are not so black
the silence that dwells in the suburbs
is not so black
nothing in the world
is so black holy mary
as your hair mother of god
pray for us sinners
allow me to touch your hair now and at the hour of our death
allow me to touch your hair amen
your hair is horrible hail mary
allow me to touch your hair full of grace
it is covered with lice and dandruff the lord is with thee
allow me to touch your hair
it is like a knot of snakes blessed art thou
coiled around your neck amongst women
allow me to touch your hair
I do not love your hair blessed is the fruit
allow me to touch your hair of thy womb, jesus
it is your mouth I am in love with holy mary, mother of god
your mouth is like a scarlet bird pray for us sinners
it is your mouth I am in love with now and at the hour
upon an ivory skyscraper of our death
it is your mouth I am in love with amen
it is like cherries cut with ivory teeth
it is your mouth I am in love with
the cherry flowers that bloom in the gardens
it is your mouth I am in love with
and are redder than roses
it is your mouth I am in love with
are not yet so red
the red lights of sirens
it is your mouth I am in love with
that herald the arrival of police
it is your mouth I am in love with
and strike fear into enemy
it is your mouth I am in love with
are not yet so red
it is your mouth I am in love with
there is nothing in the world
so red
as your mouth
it is your mouth I am in love with
there is nothing in the world
so red
as your mouth
it is your mouth I am in love with
there is nothing in the world
so red
as your mouth
allow me to kiss your mouth
I will kiss your mouth
-- "Valentine for Jesus," Women of Sodom