Apr 18, 2024 10:46
I'm just ugh. So my Medicaid was cancelled the first and I've been spacing my Lexapro which has led to a constant headache, and now extreme highs and lows. I am usually too even keeled, but I have been crying on and off the last 24 hours.
No more poly after our current partners are done and if they are around forever, that's fine. I did tell David feel free to continue the lifestyle without me, I just can't do it anymore and he was like "I am not going to leave you" exasperated. I love him so much. He pissed me off so much and he knew he fucked up. He has orientation and has a drug test. He will probably fail if it's a urine for marijuana but if it's a mouth swab he can pass if he doesn't partake. He was insistent on partaking. When I broke down crying last night he felt awful and we never took anything even though we bought it. He told me I needed to speak up but I did.
I'm going to nap in the car while my client does her thing in PT.