I've got the game to the point that I wanted to have it by the beginning of the weekend, although considering the actual time I've put into it I'm pretty satisfied. This post I'm gonna put the pics in the middle of the words to make it more interesting.
So here is Trenu. He's a bit bigger than before, 25% bigger to be exact. I added some animations for him and it was kind of hard to tell what was going on unless you were close to the screen. I also changed some of the level art, most noticeably the gradient of tiles.
Boy, it sure would be nice to move to a new area though. Well, now you can! I got transitions in. The way it is done in the level editor is a bit ghetto, but it does get the job done. I ending up going with the huge grid of comboboxes. I still have to add a way to resize it, but I'll do that later.
Here you can see we're in a new cell and I got a climbing animation in. I also added acceleration to the movement, so it feels a lot better. I still have a collision bug or two that I've neglected to fix, but I've more or less got the game to the point where I can take it in whatever direction I want. Like I said before, I wanted to have some sort of rope physics in the game, either a whip or just ropes hanging around to swing from. I also wanna add a particle engine and maybe some other effects.
That's all for now. I hope people still enjoy this sort of thing. If anyone has any ideas for cool platforming gameplay stuff, post it.