Adeniji: Day Two and Three

Jun 14, 2008 02:04

I didn't post yesterday because I didn't really get much work done. I went up to DigiPen to watch the summer game teams present. Then I went out to Red Robin with the Onerio team. After that I played Risk 2210 with Brittany and Steve, Casey, Ian and Paul. So yeah, you can see how I didn't get much work done (considering the time I woke up).

But I got a good amount of work done today. On Thursday I had wrote some collision code and started learning about reflection in C#. C# is so crazy! I've got an easy way manage all my entities and I can create them by just having the name of the object I want to create in a string. Once that was out of the way I tested my collision and added some movement and control logic. Right now, the main character (currently named Trenu) can run around, jump, climb up walls and jump from them. The physics of it doesn't feel right, but its basic functionality that I wanted to have by now.

Then I started working on a way to manage multiple cells. I can't move between cells just yet, but I instantly switch to any cell with the level editor and start playing again (assuming the new cell doesn't have tiles where Trenu is). Tomorrow I'll figure out how I want to build and layout the entire game world. I was going to manually place transition points through the level editor, but Ian suggested actually having a 2D grid of cells. The only thing I lose doing it that way the ability to transition to the same cell, which I thought it might be cool to have a wrapping cell with only one true way to get out. So yeah, I need to plan out how I want to tackle it.

Now onto the pics!

Here is the editor. It looks pretty shitty right now. The list box contains all of the cells, so I can switch between them easily. I need some more UI stuff to make it more friendly, like a box around the tile you have selected. But it works for now.

No new art, sorry :( Although you can see Trenu in there. And I guess you'll have to just believe that he can jump up on that platform and collide with it. Hell, for all you know I could not be programming at all and just whipping this shit up in Paint.NET!

I'm not though, I swear.
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