The ear problem is back again. It seems to be a winter thing I guess. I'm hoping to skip the referral process and go straight to the specialist this time. Maybe he can fix this stupid thing once and for all. It is such a pain in the butt to have to get the pills and the drops and all that stuff every year. Can't we just fix it? Oy.
So I have to have 10 pages of writing by next Friday for creative writing, and I had about 5-6 pages and then I decided that the idea was crap. Which it was. We were warned that if you write about what you know, it has the potential to become quite boring, because let's face it, at 18 years old, what I know is mostly boring. So now I'm looking to write something different. And it's not working too well. If I get a good muse I can run with it and get the 10 pages no problem, it's just getting my muse to wake up and give me ideas. Lazy muse.
If anyone has anything, anything at all that they would like to see written or have an idea that they are willing to give me, I would gladly take it. I even went so far as to go back through my fanfiction and see if there's a way I can change names and create a new story. I mean
ohyeah36 wrote a fanfic about the original characters in a fanfic, which became an original story at that point, since those characters never existed in the fandom. Maybe I could do that. Except I don't write a whole lot of OCs. The last one I wrote was in a very mary sue-esque story when I was 13. So maybe that won't work either. Ugh.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I suck at plots.