It's hard moving somewhere completely new. You don't know anyone. You don't know anywhere. You don't know anything. At least it seems that way
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i know you've heard this before, so it should sound familiar- you have to accept and be okay with the fact that you CANNOT plan ever little detail of your life. so you got a little ambitious and made a big move after graduation. that doesn't mean you made the wrong choice, it just means things aren't going the way you planned them to. in reality, you haven't be in CO very long, and that familiar feeling that your friends have is something you'll develop too, you're just not there yet. i know what it feels like to be so busy and to be with someone else so busy that most of the time you feel like you don't really have a relationship. i also know what its like to feel you are going out of your way to make time for someone who always has a reason why he can't be there for you. i think the important thing here is to realize your life isn't falling apart, you didn't make the wrong choice in moving, and you need to let your boyfriend know how you feel. if things in your life weren't straying from your neatly organized plan, if it didn't feel scary or difficult, then it wouldn't be real.
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