Jan 30, 2009 18:07
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, click the "write a new note" button, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click post
1) I love being involved in lots of classes and organizations, but hate that everyone expects me to be perfect all the time. If I don't show up to class one day, people go crazy and it makes me feel bad.
2) I want to get out of Arizona as soon as I have the chance, but want to stay in Flagstaff if I have to stay in the state. In any case, I don't think I will EVER be moving back home.
3) I don't even care if I end up teaching. My biggest goal in life is to get married and have kids. I just want to be a mom. I can always teach private lessons on the side for extra money.
4) No matter what anyone says, I don't like looking in mirrors and get really self-conscious if anyone comments about my appearance, especially if I have changed something like cutting my hair.
5) I love dressing up in dresses even though I put up a fight in the first place. I just don't like that there aren't many occasions to dress up that much for.
6) My favorite color is black, and my favorite combination of colors is red, white, and black. Because of that, my room and my bathroom are decorated almost completely in those colors.
7) I have some of the best friends anyone can ever ask for, especially my Shumway girls. We've been friends since Elementary School, and even though we don't talk much throughout the year, when we get back together it seems like no time has passed at all.
8) OCD runs in my family. My biggest thing is making my bed. It has to be made the right way. First, the sheet has to be on upside down so the seam is facing up. That gets pulled to the very top of the bed and the bottom corners are then hospital tucked. The bedspread goes on the top of that, but gets pulled up to a few inches from the top so you can fold the sheet over that. My pillows go on top, with the openings facing out on the bed and then the other pillows go on top. Another thing I am OCD about is that if I have silverware in front of me, they have to be in alphabetical order (Fork, Knife ((facing in)), Spoon)
9) I was out of school and in the hospital for a total of a month my freshman year of High School because I got Leptospriosis: a multi-systemic bacterial infection that attacked every system of my body. During that, I had meningitis, pnemonia, and hepatitis all at the same time!
10) I am going to China this summer, and that will mean that I have traveled to three continents before I graduate college! I am really excited to study music at the largest music conservatory in the world and hope to see the Great Wall while I am there.
11) I have never been very religious, but always had to go to church when I was home. Now, I am starting to understand more and have been thinking very seriously about starting to find a church up in Flagstaff to go to, but at least I am having Jane send me her sermons every Sunday.
12) Every single favorite animal that I have had throughout my life has been black and white, including cows (duh), zebras, raccoons, and even skunks.
13) I have never been on a roller coaster before, but really want to force myself to go to Six Flags or something like that at some point in my life.
14) I really want my graduation present to myself to be backpacking in Europe with a certain someone. This is something I have ALWAYS wanted to do, and I think that would be my best chance to do so before I start teaching.
15) I love getting in my car and driving without any destination at all, but my newly discovered favorite type of travel is by train. Whenever I have the time to allow for this, that's the way I want to go!
16) I own over twenty pairs of flip flops but really only wear a couple different ones anymore. I just don't ever know if that's something I should donate or just throw away.
17) I have never been in a car accident, but I have received two speeding tickets. One was for going 92 in a 65 on the way to Albuquerque, NM the day after Freshman year ended. The second was for going 65 in a 45 in Strawberry, NM on the way to the Spring horn camping trip last year. I still haven't been flashed by a speed radar camera in the valley yet though.
18) I never walked at my High School graduation. Instead, I surprised my mom, dad, and grandparents by conducting Pomp and Circumstance while the rest of my class filed in.
19) My two biggest purchases are what keep me going all the time: my horn and my car. I don't know what I would do with myself if I didn't have music or the chance to get away if I need to.
20) I was the Presser Scholar for NAU this year, which is the highest music scholarship anyone can receive. When I called to tell my dad, he didn't sound like he cared because my step-sister had called the day before to say she received the award at her school too.
21) I get to play with a two and four-year-old at least twice every week. It's amazing what you can learn from younger kids and how much it really helps to get back to the basics and not worry about anything except for what the Candyland card you drew is telling you to do.
22) I am a sucker for blue eyes.
23) My biggest pet peeve is when people tell me that I don't have time to do something. I am very efficient with my time and never commit to something I cannot follow through with, so it drives me crazy when people don't believe me.
24) I LOVED the Twilight books. I didn't start them until Thanksgiving weekend this year because I thought they would be stupid vampire books. They were amazing though and I am so glad I did, just not glad that I started them before finals were over.
25) I notice patterns all the time. I think this relates back to the OCD thing, but I notice patterns in the time, make sure I have an equal number of steps between cracks (usually in threes, but twos and fours are acceptable), notice word problems all the time, etc.