So 2011 has been the hardest year of my life, personally. I've dealt with a lot of shit over the last 12 months, some which I've shared here, some which I haven't. And as I posted about recently, I've ended up in a pretty severe depression. I'm getting that taken care of, but one of my problems when depressed is self-motivation. I had been toying with making myself some written goals and then saw
Nicole Is Better's blog post on her goal system. At first I read through her steps and thought, no way. I can't come up with 9 "life buckets" and then 3 goals for each of them. But as I spent time over the last few weeks thinking about real goals for the coming year (not resolutions, if it were August, these would be Sept-Aug goals, I just timed my trip to the doctor perfectly for making a fresh start now), I realized that it wasn't so hard after all. In fact, when I really think about it, I could probably come up with more.
My 2011 "Eff Yeah" moments/achievements:
- I learned to cross-country ski. (I still need lots of practice, but I took a lesson and I've gone out since the first lesson. So I consider this an absolute accomplishment of something I've wanted to do for a few years now.)
- I wrote two grants for work and we got them both!
- I managed two non-profit bulk mailings!
- I got a good job. (This was a huge part of my depression, being unemployed and not getting responses to resumes. So actually getting a job that's a good job was huge for me.)
- I made it through the year as treasurer for Search & Rescue. (I'm not sure anything else has given me this much anxiety in years, but I stuck to it. I had made the committment and I finished my term despite wanting to just quit more than once. I'm really proud of myself for this, because this was a challenge that taught me things about who I am.)
- I dragged my ass to the doctor (finally), for the help I desperately need. I keep patting myself on the back for this because it was hard, yo.
My big picture word for 2012 -- Healthy
What that means:
- Being in a good place mentally so that I'm not just getting by, but succeeding in life again.
- Get more exercise as that reflects back on my mental health as well as physical.
- Eat better. (Lay off the fried foods I crave when I'm down.)
My 9 "life buckets" and 3 goals for each in 2012:
1. Food/Diet
- Consume more good dairy. Try to have milk or yogurt every day.
- Eat more fruit.
- Explore new recipes and break out of the same boring dinners every week.
2. Ski/Bike (depending on month)
- ski or bike once a week
- Complete a 40+ mile bike ride
- have a cross-country ski adventure (day trip with friends!)
3. Writing
- write one NYR fic each month through October
- write a freakin' novel (it's not like I don't have ideas)
- write something (non-work related) every day
4. Reading
- keep listening to audiobooks on my commute and while walking the dog (when I forget why, it's because they make me happy, dammit!)
- read three books of poetry or about poetry/poets
- read three "classics" I've never read (or never finished)
5. Work
- keep watching for a better paying, but still emotionally fulfilling job
- stay on top of projects
- learn, learn, learn (my job is a great opportunity to expand my skills)
6. Search & Rescue
- go to trainings (except when work conflicts)
- respond to more missions
- be a better mentor
7. Fitness/Health
- Drink more water and less alcohol
- do more yoga or stretching
- more strength training
8. Family
- improved sex life (depression is not my friend here)
- more family days with Chris and Buddy
- let Chris take care of me more emotionally
9. House
- clean my freaking office!
- clean out the closets and donate stuff
- start some kind of garden box this summer